Chapter: 18

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A/N: honestly thank you to everyone who has been very patient with me and this book. I'm so grateful to have very understand people read this. It really means a lot. And I know I've been a very sucky author lately, but my summer was surprisingly packed and high school sucks. I get piled up with tons of homework and it's barely the 2 week of school. Being a sophomore sucks. But anyways enough about me and my problems. I really just want to thank everyone who reads this.

Katy's POV

Kayla and I were at her apartment, just talking, she said she had something important to tell me. I wasn't sure what to expect, good or bad news. But I also had something I wanted to say , just to get an opinion I guess, because I wasn't exactly sure what to do or anything.  After all of the thinking that has been done the past few days, it's probably best to say I needed to actually talk to someone.

"Okay so what was this important thing you had to tell me?" I question Kayla for like the billionth time. She just refuses to tell me.

She took a deep breath "promise you won't be mad"

"Why would I be mad, Kayla just tell me" I urged her. What could she possibly say that I would be mad at her.

"Well it's just that Chris asked me out and I said yes. I know you like Chris but I really think this will help you move on from him, your meant to be with Crawford"

To be honest I was speechless, I had no idea this would even happen. Could she be right? I mean I guess it makes sense, but how would she know what's best for me? I'm not mad, at least I don't think I am, just very shocked. It was so unexpected.  I just feel this sense that I have to protest Chris from anything Kayla might do wrong. I don't want him to hurt. Not as much as I've hurt him in the past. It sucks seeing either one of the guys hurt, because then I hurt.

"Katy? You not mad are you?" Kayla had to end up speaking , since I guess I was quiet way longer then I was supposed to be.

"Uh..yeah its fine, I'm not mad."  I said "I have to go though, I'll talk to you later?"  With that I got up and left. I wasn't going to my apartment , I decided on the ice cream parlor because why not. Ice cream is the best.

I walked across the street to the parlor, I saw Chris was there and I tried my hardest to leave but I was too slow he saw me.

"Katy!" He called out.

I slowly turned around and put a fake smile on, walking towards him. "Hey Chris"

"I'm actually really glad your here, I wanted to talk to you about something"   He mentioned.

I knew what he was going to say. Him and Kayla blah blah blah. Everything I already heard and don't want to hear again.

"I know about you and Kayla" I bluntly said, trying to spare me some time so I have to hear it again.

"What are you talking about?"

I gave him a confused look. "Kayla told me you asked her out and all that jazz"

"Well I didn't she lied to you"

"Chris she's one of my closest and best friends beside you and Crawford , she wouldn't that" I tried to convince myself more then him. I knew Chris longer I knew he wouldn't lie to me, but I didn't want to believe the fact the Kayla did, and what for.

A/N: sorry for this authors note as well I just wanted to say sorry if this chapter sucks. I took a break from writing so it might be a little rusty until I get back into writing again.
But thanks for reading nonetheless and I'll try to update as soon as can.
Sorry this might be a little short. But I hope you enjoy anyways.

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