Chapter: 7

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Katy's POV

I walked out of the room, finally being able to somewhat pull myself together. I looked all around for Chris, but I couldn't find him. I sighed. I was alone again. Not the alone I wanted. I wanted to be left alone, not to be lonely. I needed someone to talk to, but I'm not talking to Crawford and I don't know where Chris is, and I really don't want to bother him and ruin his day because I'm having a bad day. The only other choice I had was to go home, back to Canada, but I didn't want to. I mostly came here to peruse a dream and that's what I'm going to do. That's when it hit me, the first friend I made here. I walked over to his apartment it wasn't that far just past Crawford's apartment. I reluctantly knocked on his door, I wasn't exactly sure this was the best idea, I just needed someone. Once he opened the door I knew there was no going back.

"Katy?" he asked and I saw people in his apartment, I knew this a bad idea.

"I'm sorry, is this a bad time" I asked and that's when he noticed something was wrong. He walked out and closed the door behind him.

"What's wrong" I don't know why, but he felt so approachable. I just felt like I could tell him anything. To be honest it scared me, and I felt like I couldn't get anything out.

"C-Can I trust you"

"Of corse you can"

"Well, long story short I kinda broke up with my boyfriend because I realised he was holding me back and blocked the most important people out my life, that person just happened to be his brother. And he's here and I just don't know I'm so confused I don't understand anything right now and I don't know why I came to you I'm sorry" I rambled and got up off the ground to head back to Chris' apartment.

"Katy wait" I turned around and face him

"You want me to help you through this and get your mind off things"

I didn't know what to really say I just kind of shrugged and nodded. He smiled.

"Come here" he said and held his arms open for a hug. I walked and gladly hugged him back.

"Thanks Cameron"

"Anything for you" he said and I couldn't help but smile. It's crazy how just talking to him, he can make everything go away all the pain gone and I can just be free.

"What do you want to do"

I instantly perked up. "Can we get ice cream, I really want some"

"Sure thing" we walked down the streets to the closest ice cream parlor. Him occasionally showing me different places he liked, places he didn't like, and basically showing me around town. The good parts of town, and the bad. Other then that LA was really a beautiful place.

Chris' POV

I looked all around the apartment. In every place that she could possibly be. I just couldn't find her. I called her multiple times and texted her but nothing, she never did answer once. I was worried sick, where could she have gone. I quickly went back to Crawfs, if anyone will know where she might be it has to be him. I went over there and opened the door.

"Crawford, Katy's gone, where do you think she could've gone" I said calmly not wanting him to freak out, like she was kidnapped or something.

"SHES WHAT" he yelled.

Well that didn't happen like I hoped.

"Crawf, calm down' I don't know she just left where do you think she might be, we need to find her"

Crawf was now pacing around the room, occasionally running a hand through his hair and mumbling "this is all my fault"

I grabbed his shoulders keeping him still. " We will find her and she will be okay, it's no one fault she left, it was her decision, we just have to make sure she's okay" Crawford slowly nodded.

"Now where would she be" I asked him slowly.

"Chris, I don't know, it's LA we just got here, she doesn't know where she is she could be lost for all we know, I should be asking you where she is, you were there with her how'd you not know she left"

I sighed we are getting no where absolutely no where.

Forever and Always (sequel to Till I Die (Chris and Crawford Collins)Where stories live. Discover now