Chapter: 6

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Katy's POV

As soon as I walked into Chris' apartment, everything that I was once feeling was gone. I was no longer mad, I was just confused, I didn't understand. Everything soon just settled in, Crawford and I broke up. We probably aren't even going to friends anymore. All he did was lie to me. I don't get why all of a sudden he's like this. All of his life he was so much better, different from now, I don't know what's gotten into him.

I was just laying on Chris' couch, crying my eyes out. I thought I loved Crawf. He has always been there for me, ever since we were little. And now. Now he decides to turn his back on me, all these years later he thinks now is the best time?

"Shh Katy it's okay" Chris was there trying to comfort me and calm me down, but it didn't work.

"I-it's not o-okay C-Chris" I managed to say through my sobs. "Why w-would C-Cr-Crawford do some-thing like th-this"

"I don't know Katy, Crawford's just being a dick" he said

I sat up, wiping my tears "D-do you think he e-ever c-cared"

"Of corse he cared, and I know he still does. people make mistakes, and Crawf just happened to make a big and stupid one"

"A lot of them" I mumbled under my breath not intending for Chris to hear, but I'm sure he did when he chuckled.

"Chris it's not funny" I told him

"I know, it's just that Crawford can be such an idiot at times, don't feel bad"

"I just don't understand why, I mean you guys are brothers, and y'all act like enemy's, and I know it's because of me"


"Don't even try and tell me different" I got up and locked myself in Chris' room to be alone.

"You can't stay in there forever" Chris told me. Why can't he understand I want to be alone. Away from him and Crawford. Maybe coming to LA was a bad decision.

"Watch me" I say. I heard him sigh, which I hope meant he would leave me alone, and realize that I wanted to be alone. Realize that I literally just broke up with my boyfriend like 5 minutes ago, and most importantly realize that the person who was there for me for so long actually wasn't really there at all. That hurt me way more then the actually breakup, it hurt that my best friend would actually have the nerve to stab me in the back.

Just thinking about this again, I could feel the tears coming. I didn't even try to stop them. I just stay on Chris' bed and let the tears flow.

Chris' POV

I was really mad at Crawford. I couldn't believe he would do something like this to Katy. I couldn't stand seeing Katy cry over some stupid thing my brother did. I trusted him to keep her happy. I gave up my happiness so she will be happy. Now I realize that I should've stayed and been with Katy. Who knows what else Crawf did to her that she's not telling me. I decided I would go talk to Crawford, while Katy stayed here. I walked out of my apartment and went to crawfs next door, I knocked and he opened it. I saw Crawf with bloodshot eyes.

"Is Katy okay" were the first things to come out of his mouth.

I simply nodded "but she is really hurt"

"Chris, I'm so sorry, I never meant for this to happen"

"Then why'd you do it, Crawford you were just being selfish you didn't even think about how Katy must've felt"

"Well neither did you when you left"

"But there is a difference being me and you, I left because I wanted Katy to be happy I didn't want to hold her back any longer I wanted her to live her life. You were just being selfish you didn't put Katy first like I did you put your own feelings first. You don't know how bad you hurt Katy, until now when people have to tell you"

Crawford never did reply he just sat down and thought. Probably about his stupid decisions. Which is what I wanted him to think about. I wanted him to fix his mistakes by himself, instead of having someone else do it for him.

I left and went back to my apartment to check on Katy, but when I got there she wasn't there.

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