Chapter: 16

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Chris' POV

As Crawford and Kayla walked away, leaving Katy and I alone, I took this as my opportunity. I had no idea what came over me, I just felt the need I had to kiss and that's exactly what I did. To my surprise she had kissed me back. This has to mean something right? Does she like me?

As she walked off to get read for her performance, I went to find Crawford, the moment that we just shared still replaying in my head.

Somehow Crawford managed to get front row seats so we have the perfect view of the girls. I know for a fact Katy and Kayla will do great.

Through out the entire play I had my eyes set on Katy. She didn't seem nervous at all, and played the role of Gabriella perfectly.

We occasionally made eye contact through out the night, her smiling at me as if trying to say something that I'm not quite getting.

The show soon eventually ended, and it was amazing. I really don't see why she was worried.

I don't know what was taking Katy and Kayla so long but they soon came out from backstage and we made our way back to the apartments.

Katy's POV

As I made my way off stage after the play ended I decided now was the time to tell Kayla what happened, everything that had happened before the show.

As if Kayla was reading my mind she said "okay now spill, Katy tell me everything"

"Well you see what happened was, Chris just pulled me back to talk and tell me th-"

"Cut to the chase, something more happened, we don't have all day they're waiting" she cut me. She's so inpatient.

"He kissed me"

She didn't seemed as shocked as I was. I wonder why. It's not like it's something expected from Chris, because it isn't.

"Did you kiss him back" now she was just being nosey.


"Soooo, are you two like a thing now?"

Honestly I didn't know. Does that make us something? I still don't know how I feel about choosing one. All I know is that life happens. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it sucks.

"I don't know" i answered honestly.

"And that's because you still have feelings for Crawford" she stated matter of factly.

"What?" I asked. I don't have feelings for Crawford anymore...I don't think at least.

Ugh why does she always make me second guess my self.

All the memories of Crawford and I came flooding through my memory. I miss it, I miss us, I miss how it used to be. Before I even I realized it a few tears slipped down my cheeks. I wasn't crying I couldn't have been. I quickly wiped the tears away. I was ready to get home.

"Let's go Kayla" was all I said exiting from backstage, catching up to Chris and crawf.

The car ride consisted of Chris and crawf congratulating us and telling us how well we did. Other then that it was pretty much silent.

Kayla and I parted ways, as did Chris and I, which left me and Crawford.

I think Kayla may have made this awkward for me, but yet a little more clear. One was just a distraction I just don't know who.

I don't know how Crawford feels about me anymore. But I guess I really don't either.

"I miss us" I just randomly blurt. Maybe it wasn't the right time or place, but at least it was said. At least he knows.

He smiled at me, and came closer him looking down into my eyes and down to my lips.

Oh I just wish he'd kiss me. Crawford just do it. Just kiss me.

"I miss us too Katy" he whispered, it barely audible, but loud and clear to me.

I couldn't take it, I swear he was teasing me and I knew he knew it. I leaned up and connected our lips. He immediately kissed me back, him smirking.

This is what I've been longing for.

Chris was one thing while Crawford was different.

I don't know what it is, I just can't live without either of these boys.


A/N: updating in school because I'm bored. So sorry is most of this sucks. Also I'm very sorry for the late updates.
School and life in general has been a pain with a side of writers block that hasn't seemed to get better at all. I'm trying my best for ya'll. anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any ideas don't be shy to comment them. Help out as much as possible, please.
Hope all of you are having a good day/night/afternoon.


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