Chapter: 10

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Chris' POV

So here I am at the mall with Katy, because she wouldn't stop bugging me about how bored she was. We were currently just walking around, going in random stores here and there.

"Hey Chris, maybe after this store we could go-" she had cut herself off.

"CAM" she yelled instead and ran over to some guy, hugging him. I just followed behind her.

"Chris, this is Cameron, Cameron Chris" she said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you" Cameron said sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"You too" I said and shook his hand.

"Cam, Chris and I were just about to go get something to eat, you wanna come with?" she asked him

"We were" I said slightly confused, she never mentioned that.

"Yeah we were" Katy said in a duh voice.

"Well alright then where too" I asked no one in particular.

"Anywheres fine" Cameron said.

"Then just the court and we could get chick-fil-a or something" I suggested.

"Yeah sure" both Katy and Cameron said in unison. After a few seconds they both just burst out in laughter. They were so weird. I feel like I'm the only mature one here. That wasn't even that funny.

"You guys are lame" I told them.

"Your just jealous" Katy said back.

"Jealous of what"

"That were cooler then you"

I was about to reply with a better comeback, until Katy just ran off to the food court getting samples of the food.

That was kind of our thing we would just always get the samples of every foods we could, because it was free and we were just awesome. So as predicted that's what Katy went to do, with out me, so much for our thing. She left me with this Cameron kid, so just out of respect, I decided to make small take.

"How do you and Katy know each other" I asked

"Well I helped her get into the acting school of her dreams, that I'm also attending, and then out of no where she knocks on my door saying she was my new neighbor. Then she came to after her break up with her boyfriend and I too her out to get her mind off things. So that how we met and how we got so close in just a limited amount of days."

"Well thanks for being there for her"

"Of corse man, id do anything for her"

"Hey do-" I was cut off my Katy. Just perfect timing Katy.

"Samples for you" she said handing me random samples of different foods on toothpicks. "And samples for you" she gave Cameron the same thing.

"Bon appétit" she laughed.

"Trying to perfect another language I see" I said

"Yeah I also know some sign language" she said holding up her middle finger, and smiled brightly.

Cameron, he was just laughing. I looked at him as if he was crazy. "You were asking for it" he said still laughing.

Katy's POV

Today turned out better then expected. Chris and I went shopping, we didn't get anything, but it's the thought that counts right. On the way we saw Cameron, which made the day better in my opinion. Chris and Cam seemed to have gotten along which is good because they are both the most important people in my life right now.

Tomorrow I will be going to school, to pursue my acting career. The highlight is that I won't be alone, Cameron will be there with me. The downside, I absolutely hate school.

Chris and I were having a movie marathon. Right now we are almost half way done with the Disney movies. We are watching Aladdin.

"Katy think about it, soon I will be watching movies, or tv shows you are in. Won't that be crazy."

"Ugh, chris don't remind, I'd perfer not to watch me on tv, much less think about me being on tv. You do know I'm not doing this to be famous or whatever, it actually what I enjoy doing"

"I know, but I still think it'll be cool seeing my best friend on tv"

"Shut up"


A/N: eeehhh I know this is a short chapter and it probably sucks, but I tried. I have writers block and my friend has been begging me to update my 5SOS story called Just for publicity. If you want to you can check that out. Hopefully I will have something to write for the next chapter and it not be sucky.

Last night was the best night of my life, I saw 5SOS and 1D in concert. They were amazing.

Well anyways I won't bore y'all with details but if you want to know just comment or message me.

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