Chapter: 9

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Crawford's POV

I hate that Chris won't even let me see Katy. I'm just as worried about her as he is. It's not fair that I loose everything I love. Katy means the world to me and I feel like shit doing what I did. I know it was wrong but like everyone says 'people make mistakes', I just made a very stupid mistake. But all Chris does is make it seem like I murdered someone. If he won't even let me talk to Katy how the hell am I supposed to fix things between us. I want every thing to just go back to how they were, but I just had to fuck things up and make Katy hate me. I at least want us to be friends again, if she won't take me back. Being her friend is way better then not being in her life at all.

I couldn't just not try, I had to do everything in my will power to make things right. No matter what Chris says, I need to talk to Katy, I miss her so much and I just can't live without her. She is really my everything and has been since the first time we met.

I decided to just sleep, I needed it. I needed to stop worrying, stop stressing so much. Anyway I'll need all the rest I can get. I'll need it for tomorrow, for when I'm going to tr-for when I am going to talk to Katy.

Katy's POV

I woke up in a bed and I was beyond confused. I feel asleep on the couch. Maybe Chris moved me? No, I don't think, I don't remember him coming home last night. Do I sleepwalk? Well you learn something new everyday I guess. I got off the bed, and walked to the kitchen where I saw Chris making pancakes.

"Since when do you cook" I asked, making him jump. He turned around to face me.

"I don't" he laughed.

"Uhm, well I don't want to die"

"You won't"

"What kind of pancakes are you making"

"Chocolate chip, your fave"

"Wow, what's the special occasion" I was actually really surprised. No one made me chocolate chip pancakes, unless it was for a special occasion or they had bad news. I surely hoped it wasn't bad news, because I don't know how my life could get any worse.

"There is none, can I not just make you your favorite pancakes"

"Well no one does"

"Then sit down and enjoy your pancakes"

I did just that, I sat down at the table, while Chris put a plate of pancakes on the table for me. I put a piece In my mouth and pretended it was terrible just to mess with Chris. Surprisingly it was really good, I honestly didn't expect this.

"I'm genuinely surprised Chris, these aren't that bad"


I absolutely loved chocolate chip pancakes, and Chris probably made by far the best I've ever tasted.

"What's your secret recipe"

"Not telling"

"You don't even know do you" I smirked

"Not a clue"

"So I could be eating something poisonous and you don't know"

"Possibly, I'm not sure"

I thought for a moment.

"Chris?" I asked


"What would happen if I did die" I knew it probably wasn't the best thing to talk about, but it just suddenly crossed my mind. Would anyone really care if I was gone, because no one really cares now, I feel like it's just all pity, and I hate that. I don't want peoples pity, I for once want to be actually cared about, but that's a lot to ask for.

"What are you talking about" he asked

"Just like would anyone care if I was gone"

"Of corse they will Katy, we all will, your family, Crawford and I, we'll all miss you, we'd all care"

I scoffed to my self and mumbled "it doesn't feel like it" and left up to my room, well actually Chris' that I accidentally took over. I love his room, it sends a good vibe, it's always peaceful and puts me in the right state of mind. I wish I had a room like his.

I laid down on the bed and face the ceiling, making out different imagines with the random streaks and cracks and lines along the walls. Kinda like what people do with the clouds or stars.

I thought this was going to be somewhat fun, at least a bit relaxing, but turns out I have no creativity, so I got quite bored quite fast.

I walked out the room yelling at Chris, for no reason just me pure enjoyment.

"CHRIS, IM SO BORED, I WANNA DO SOMETHING, STOP BEING SO LAZY AND LETS GO DO SOMETHING CHRIISSSSS" I started out with this, getting more annoying by the second, until he answered me. He was so spaced out, I wonder what he was thinking about.

Chris' POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what Katy said last night. Part of me thinks she meant but the other says not. I've been thinking of this all day. It seems to soon, but then again we kind of had a thing. One huge thing was bothering me thought, did she say because that's what she feels towards Crawford? I won't ever know, and I really don't have any intention of telling her what she said to me. What she doesn't know won't her, and obviously she ha no idea she said it. She does seem in a much happier mood because i made chocolate pancakes though, so that's a plus. I'm glad she's feeling better.

When Katy stomped up to her room because I said that we would all care if she died, it seemed way off. Shouldn't she be happy we cared, happy I cared. In my opinion, I don't see why she would ever think that. That gave me another reason to just think. I don't think Katy is this upset over Crawford there has to be more to it, that she doesn't feel wanted or cared for. There is a giant puzzle piece missing and I'm going to find out.

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