Chapter: 2

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Katy's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my annoying alarm clock.

"Beep, Beep, Beep" it sounded, the noise filling the air. I groaned lazily and hit the snooze button. I wanted so bad to just go back to sleep, but my parents soon bursted through my doors telling me to get up.

"Come on honey get up, you have a big day ahead of you" my mother said.


"No ands ifs or buts about it"

"Ughhh, I'm up, okay" I said giving in. I can't help but think my parents have been waiting for this day to come, and wanted it more then I did. It seems like they are pushing me out of the house. I pushed that thought aside.

I quickly got up and changed into sweat pants and a tank top, and threw one of Crawfs sweatshirts on that I stole a while back. I put my hair up in a messy bun and skipped make up, I was just too tired. I made my way down stairs and plopped myself on the couch. All my bags where already by the front door, waiting for me.

I had skipped breakfast this morning, I wasn't that hungry. I sat down on the couch getting comfortable, waiting for Crawf to get here to take us to the airport. I was nearly falling asleep again, when Crawf decided to show up.

Perfect timing.

He got all my things and put them in his car. He came back from doing that and told me it was time to leave. I was both happy and excited, and sad and disappointed. To many emotions to really comprehend all at once.


Crawford and I were now on the plane flying to LA. The flight was actually quite peacful, and relaxing. For once i didnt get that annoying kid who kicks the back of your seat, it was nice. Hours of sleeping and having nothing to do passed by pretty quickly for a change. Crawford had slept the whole plane ride, so of corse i had to take that as my opportunity to draw on his face. i took loads of pictures and posted them on twitter and instagram. Crawford's going to have a rude awakening.

The plane soon landed and we got off, everyone giving Crawf weird looks and some people even laughing. Crawford was beyond confused which made it even funnier. i couldnt help but let my laugh slip, then he looked at me and i gave him my phone with the camera facing towards him.

"Katy, why'd you do this"

i shrugged " i was bored" i said grabbing my phone and walking to get our baggage. Crawf was walking behind me,with his head down, obviously embarrassed. I'm just surprised he hasnt rushed to restroom to wash his face.


We soon got to the apartment we were staying at, well living at, and im not gunna lie it was huge. i didnt think places this big exsisted.

"Crawford, how did you afford this, it might as well be a mansion in an apartment complex"

"Thats for me to know and for you to never find out"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Crawford, you just start unpacking while I relax"

"Why me?"

"Because you slept the whole way here"

He didn't respond, but just went to the rest room to wash his face and started the unpacking.

Forever and Always (sequel to Till I Die (Chris and Crawford Collins)Where stories live. Discover now