Chapter: 11

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Katy's POV

I woke up this morning ready for school. Not exactly my reaction towards regular school, but this time it was different. Going to school for something I enjoy, and not something people force you to take, and what's even better is I'm going with Cameron.

I don't know what Chris will do all day without me, probably just hang out with Crawford, I don't know. Speaking about Crawford, we haven't talked since we broke up. I was kind of hoping he would've at least tried to talk to me by this point, but nope. To be completely honest, I miss him, I was Crawford, I miss our friendship, I miss us, but there's no going back now. I'm stuck like this, stuck in a life without him, and it's been really weird, I'm not used to not talking or not being with Crawf for this long amount of time.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I get ready for the big day a head of me. I take a quick shower, get dressed, and do light makeup, going for more of natural look. I walk out of the room to the kitchen and get a glass of apple juice, and make my self some toast.

"Chris, I'm leaving" I tell through the apartment, not sure if he's awake or not, and leave the apartment. I walked out the door and was immediately stopped by Crawford. I swear this boy has thee perfect timing in the world. -note the sarcasm-

"Uhm....hi" I said.

"Hey Katy, I wanted to talk"

"I can't and your like a week late" I tried to push passed him, but he stopped me.

"Crawford, just go, I seriously have to be leaving" I told him

"Katy, just listen"

"Bro, she said she had to go, respect that" a familiar voice said, it was Chris. I was so thankful. Once that was said Crawford let me go, and I silently thanked Chris for helping me out of that situation.

I went to go get Cameron, only to find that he wasn't there. There was no possible way he left without me. I don't know where to go from here. I just started walking.

"Katy, wait" I ignored whoever it was. I really wasn't in the mood. First Crawford. Then Cameron leaving. Right now the only person on my good side is Chris and he isn't with me right now.

I continued just walking until I had no clue where I was. I saw a Starbucks and decided to stop there. I was just about to walk across the street to the Starbucks, but someone grabbed me, wrapping their arms around my neck, but not chocking me.

I was struggling to get out of their grip.

""I managed to get out while elbowing them in the stomach. They let go and I turned around to see who it was.

"Sorry Cameron" I managed to say while dying in laughter.

"Your aggressive"

"Don't touch me all unexpectedly then, you could have been a murderer, kidnapper person, I was saving my self"

"Yeah okay"

"Whatever I'm going to Starbucks, let's go" I said pulling me along. "Oh and can you not be in pain, I didn't hit you that hard"

"You can hit harder?!?!?!?"

"Your just weak" I smiled and skipped into the Starbucks.

I ordered what I wanted and Cameron did too. We payed for our drinks and walked out the Starbucks, Cameron leading the way to the school.

We walked in silence, which I was thankful for, I was still hung up about what just happened with Crawford. My only fear is that we will have talk about it someday and I don't want to. I just want Crawf to leave me alone, but I know he won't.

To: Chris

What do I do about Crawford?

I texted Chris. I didn't know what else to do. Only Chris will understand. Cameron's a great listener but I don't know if he could completely help me.

I felt my phone vibrate, indicating I got a text.

From: Chris

Don't worry about it, enjoy your day and well figure it out later

To: Chris


That ending that conversation. I just hope he's right.


A/N: hey guys I know it's been awhile and I'm sooo sorry. School has started and I'm already piled high with homework and I'm stressing way to much. So I might put this story on hold for a while until things calm down a bit or update very unexpectedly. Never really having a set date. I know I don't update on a regular schedule now but I do update almost every week. That might change considering school. I'm so sorry guys.

Sorry for the chapter I know y'all waited long and I gave this sucky short filler chapter but hey it's something right??

Again really sorry. I will try to update soon if I can.

Thanks! please vote and comment.

Love all you guys.

Thanks so much for all the reads and votes this story gets and Till I Die.

~ Melody/Mellow xx

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