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I had fallen silent; pray to my own thoughts ever since we had left camp. All that trouble I had gone to to track Jaime down and here he was. And yet I couldn't yell at him, scream at him. Get my revenge like I wanted to. I looked at him and saw the face of the man I had flirted with. The man whom had made sure I was OK after the awful dance with Joffrey that night long ago at Winterfell. The more I looked at him the more I just wanted to forgive him and forget everything bad that had happened and instead focus on the way he made me felt. I had to remind myself of the things he had done. He fucked his sister for one and had children by her. The thought though disgusting just didn't seem to want to fit in with the picture of the man here. He had tried to kill my father who was then executed cutting our time short before I could get to know him better. And yet here he was a dirty stinking man who still managed to look incredibly hot even in the rags he was wearing. I should be looking at him with disgust but instead I want him. The thought makes me blush.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Brienne starting to drag him towards a river struggling. "I can hold him" I offer. She looks at me and then finally holds the other end of the rope over.

"I'll be right back," she says starting down the slight embankment.

"Jeez I thought she would never leave us alone," Jaime says moving closer to me facing me.

"I didn't do this for your benefit," I say hoping that I still sounded angry. I had been pissed back in the cage hitting him but I couldn't seem to hold it there present with me.

"What's wrong? I thought you would have gotten all your anger out," I bite my lip looking away. I try really hard not to look at him as he steps a little closer tilting his head smiling at me a little. "You're cute when you're pretending to be mad at me."

"I'm not pretending."

"Where did the fight go from the other night?" he teases me. I move to shove him back but he grabs my hands pulling me even closer so we're right up against each other.

I can't help but gasp and look up at him. I start to lose my train of thought looking into his green eyes. "It didn't-.. I-..." he starts to chuckle and I try to move away. "It's not funny," I say fighting the smile starting to form.

"I didn't say it was funny, I said you were cute," he leans in suddenly and his lips catch mine. My eyes widen and I can't think.

Just as I start to tilt my head into it he's yanked back. "Kingslayer!" Brienne says taking the rope from my hands. "That is no way to treat your escorts. Let's go," she starts to pull him along towards the boat and he's cooperating.

"You know I think she's jealous."

"Shut up, Kingslayer," I say wanting to get him to shut up. "Who would be jealous of you? You haven't seen yourself lately." I know the use of 'Kingslayer' hurt him because he does stop talking for once as we get into the small boat and start down the river. I regret it biting my tongue. I want to apologize but I'm not allowing myself to and only bite my tongue a little harder to keep myself from following through with it.

A/N: Well it's 1:30 about there anyway in the morning and I couldn't sleep and for some reason all of these ideas for this story started going through my head so I hope this is good. I gave up trying to sleep and started writing instead. I may get up tomorrow and decide to change it up a little bit but I don't know yet. Enjoy it anyway, even though it's really short. :) Other updates are sure to come soon.

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now