The Crypt of Winterfell

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A/N: So, sorry it's been a while. I have a couple chapters already written so they will be posted throughout the day :)

I sit up startled, gasping looking around the room. "Today's the day!" Sansa says from her spot by the door. I blink back the tears and simply nod. "I'm so excited!" she babbles on and I don't really listen just wipe my face off pushing the dream of Bran falling, identical to what I had seen in the Godswood.

"I really should get ready," I say interrupting Sansa.

"Yes you must. Let me pick a dress for you."

"I'm sure I can handle it, thank you though. I appreciate it. Some other time?" I add hastily seeing her fallen face.

"Of course!" she says her face brightening. "I'll just go now," she says turning and leaving. I get up and get my own bath water and then bathe myself. I dress ignoring the golden hair that is creeping it's way into my black hair, and my blue eyes that are many shades darker taking on a truly purplish hint.

I make my way down to breakfast and sit at a nearly empty table. As soon as I take my place and start to eat Bran scoots closer. "Do you think we could go climbing today?" I swallow hard struggling with what I should do. When Bran falls in my dream I'm watching from a distance, but I'm below him. So maybe I should agree? But what if I'm supposed to keep him from climbing all together. "We could watch for the king," he whispers again. The thought of something keeping him from climbing is laughable, but then I realize his fall, watching him in a near death state would keep him from climbing.

"As long as you help me," I whisper back.

He settles back into breakfast eating excitedly. I can't help but smile. "I'll meet you out there!" he says turning and running for the courtyard. I eat some more and then stand turning to go outside.

"Good morning," Jon says as I go to walk by. He stops me gently, reaching up to finger my hair.

"I don't know," I sigh. "This is all just fucking weird. I'm just hoping it doesn't fall out."

"You look tired."

"I've been having these dreams... They're just dreams though, it's fine. Really, I best go find Bran."

"Don't be late for the arrival. Lady Catelyn would have a heart attack."

"We'll both be on time," I continue past him and out to the courtyard. I look around for Bran and don't see him anywhere. "Bran!" I call uncertainly.

"I'm up here! Come on!" he says from on top of the stables. I walk over and slowly begin to pull myself up. He giggles and hurries off slowly leading me up the walls. I put my hands and feet where he tells me at the tricky parts, and when we reach the top I stand there panting. "I'm so happy you decided to come up here with me."

"I am too," I say not truly meaning it, taking a seat. He joins me holding his knees up to his chest.

"Everything looks so small from up here, it makes me feel as if I am bigger than it all."

"Way up here, we can see everything. They will come from this way," I say crawling to the peak of the wall and look over it towards the Kingsroad, Bran following me. We watch in silence for a while.

"What made you change your mind?"

Not wanting to tell him about my dreams I search for a lie, "it was sort of fun the other night. I wanted to try again."

"Will we do this again?"

"We'll see."

"They're coming!" he cries pointing. It takes a few more moments for my eyes to pick them up but they are nearly here. "They're coming!" Bran says running down the slope and stopping looking down at the courtyard.

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