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A/N: this chapter has a sex scene more explicit than I normally write. Just a warning.
Let me know what you think please!
I sit there pouting to myself. I appreciated what she'd done but hated it at the same time. I glance over at her sipping her wine and eating the slice of raspberry cake. My loins stir and I mentally curse myself. Why did I want her so badly when I was so frustrated? "You didn't have to do that," I say breaking the silence. She finishes her glass of wine setting it on the table.
"They deserved it," she says turning to look at me. "Besides we're married now so what I do we do as a couple." I look down at my stump and hand in my lap. She moves around coming to rest in front of me perched on the table. I push down the thoughts of wanting her. "Look at me." She says putting a hand on my chin. "I love you. I did this for you. Do you want to cut off his hand yourself? In sure we can arrange that." The thought is enticing but then so are her lips she's worrying with her teeth.
"No. I want you," I say standing quickly capturing her lips. Her hands hold both sides of my face moving to my hair while I scoop her into my lap. I push my tongue against her lips and she grants me entrance. Her fingers move through my hair turning me on even more. I pull her close seeking some sort of friction to ease my want. I kiss her cheek tasting bits of raspberry and wine moving to her neck. She tilts her head angling her body so she's right on my hard on. It seems to strain against me seeking out her warmth. I focus on her kissing her neck moving my tongue over her loving the way she shivers. I kiss her earlobe and bite it gently. She moans loudly in the empty space. I pull back grinning at her. Her hands covering her mouth and I can see her blush. "My Lady!" I say. "I like it." I do it again and her hands back at it tug my hair so I kiss her on the lips. Our tongues tangle our breaths increase. I stand still holding her. She laughs wrapping her legs around my waist holding onto the back of my neck. I sweep the stuff off the table with my stump slightly surprised at how I got it all. I lay her down in the empty spot smiling down at her. I hook my fingers under her dress and tear at it wrapping the lace revealing her underclothes. I move those out of the way. She reaches up pulling me down toward her. I start kissing her lips loving the way they move against mine. Her legs squeeze around me. She gasps her hold on my shoulder tightening as I move my hand over one breast. I pinch her already hardened nipple. She moves closer arching her back into my touch. I twist and play with her nipple still kissing her. I kiss a trail down to her neck and then further down to her breasts. I focus on the other one kissing it teasing her. Her hands find their way to my hair yet again and tugs on it. She moans again as I suck her nipple into my mouth playing with it with my tongue. "Jaime," she says her want in her voice as she tugs me again pulling me back towards her. "Anyone can see."
"Fuck them," I growl returning to driving her crazy. I move back up to kissing her lips. She's pulling on the bottom of my shirt.
"Take it off," she whines trembling under me. I hover over her pulling it off tossing it to the side. I let my hand trail over her thighs as she explores my bare chest.
"You aren't wearing any small clothes." I say my hand stopping. She shakes her head no. I move back and she follows sitting up I pull her dress out of the way. I can feel her wetness with my fingers. I kiss her and a moan greets my ears. Her dress is ripped and I stop for a moment looking up at her. She'd ripped it more. Her hand tangles in my hair. I kiss her lips and then separate them licking her. Her leg starts to tremble. I look up at her massaging her with my fingers finding her nub. She moves pulling hard enough on my hair to make my eyes water as she arches her back panting.
I flick it and then massage her again circling her entrance. "Jaime," she gasps her other hand grabbing my stump her nails digging in. I let my tongue take over swirling around her. I suck on her nub both of her legs shaking around me. I stand pushing a finger inside her. She lets out a little moan of pleasure. I kiss her her tongue pushing into my mouth. I move my finger in and out my thumb playing with her nub. I pause loving teasing her. She opens her eyes glaring at me. "I thought anyone could see," I whisper pushing a second finger into her. Her lips part and she moves her hips against me. I move my fingers around in and out continuing massaging her nub. I suck her nipple back into my mouth loving her little mews at the sensations. Her fingers continue to dig into my stump her others forgotten clenched in my hair. Her breathing increases as well as her movements. Her muscles start to constrict my fingers. "Jaime, Jaime," she says breathlessly I swallow her orgasm with a kiss her chest rising and falling against mine. I reclaim my hand. "Jaime please," she says her hands fumbling with the laces of my pants. For once I have a better time of it than her. "Tell me what you want." I say my words deep with desire.
"Jaime," is all she says her look of frustration and want clear on her face.
"Hmmm?" I ask letting my tip circle her entrance wanting to hear it from her.
"Fuck me. Fuck me Jaime," she says using her feet to push me closer to her vagina.
I lean in, "say it again."
"Fuck me Jaime Lannister." Her voice comes out a growl her eyes dark with her desire. I comply guiding my penis inside of her. I let out a breathy moan and she pulls me down kissing me. I start to move my hips her feet crossed behind my back. She bucks up to meet me sighing with pleasure. I tug her leg and she lets me push them out letting me plunge deeper into her. She moves hooking them over her shoulders. She pushes against me now increasing the pleasure. Neither of us are being quiet now. "Harder," she begs. "Harder," I listen getting my fingers and stump in a good spot pulling her into me as I push into her. She's tightening around me and I feel the familiar sensations that I'm close. I move letting me push deeper and two thrusts later I've emptied inside of her our simultaneous grunts of climax leaving me light headed. She lets her legs fall and I rest my head on her chest.
He stands after a moment pulling me into his lap a foolish grin on his lips. "I love you," I say kissing him and then rest my head on his chest.
"You ripped your dress," he says pulling the two parts over my shoulders making me laugh.
"You did that," I say pulling on the bottom where I had ripped it. Neither part will stay and we both laugh.
"How does it feel to be home my lovely Lady of Winterfell?"
"Well my Lord you keep that up and we won't leave."
Someone clears their throat and I look to see the Maester. I blush holding my dress together hoping he hadn't walked in earlier. "How can we help you?" I ask unable to remember his name.
"A raven has come from Jon Snow the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch."
I take it from him and Jaime reads it while I pick out words I know. "This is written to Roose Bolton as the Lord of Winterfell. Has there been any others?"
"One other a few days ago. Asking for aid in a battle against what he calls White Walkers."
"Those don't exist," I mumble.
"This one states they were barely successful and he has granted empty land to the Free Folk and asks us to not harm them. They deserve to survive the winter."
"Who was here when the last one came?"
"Ramsay Bolton, My Lady."
"How long has he been here?" He looks conflicted. "You are my Maester now." I say sternly and Jaime shifts next to me.
"Over a month now." He says.
"Does Jon want anything?"
"Leave the Wildlings alone."
"Write him back," I say to the Maester "we will. Let him know Roose is gone. Meet us at breakfast tomorrow. We have things to discuss. Now if you'll excuse us." I stand taking Jaime's hand and we walk out together me holding my dress together.
She practically hums the whole way back to our room her cheeks still red. I can't help but feel pleased that I'd made her so happy. I know she was embarrassed that the Maester walked in but that pleased me as well knowing someone knew the pleasure I could grant my wife. Lost in thought she pushes me against the wall surprising me. "What are-," she presses her lips against mine tugging at the bottom of my shirt untucking it. Her tongue presses against mine prompting me to a response. I gasp a little as her slightly chilled hand presses against my navel working into my pants. "You think you're the only one who can have fun?" She asks a devilish smile on her lips. She kisses my cheek working her way to my neck. She pins my hand to the wall leaving me open to whatever she wants. She kisses my lips and bites my lower one making me groan as she palms me with her open hand.
Someone clears their throat. She jumps away from me like she'd been burned. "While I do appreciate the ahh show," Tyrion says, "Brienne is asking for you My Lady."
"Go on," I say adjusting myself.
"I'll be back," she whispers in my ear kissing my cheek lightly squeezing me making my dick twitch in response. "I'll be right with her. I need to change," she says to Tyrion going into our room.
"I'm sorry for the interruption." He says. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself." I roll my eyes. "I heard you made a mess in the dining room," he comments nonchalantly.
"Don't tell her that."
"I am happy for you. I'd just appreciate not walking in on it."
I roll my eyes and pat his head. I head into the bedroom to see her standing there completely naked her back turned to me. "You are a sight to behold." I say moving to her wrapping my arms around her. I kiss her neck. She arches her back pressing her butt against my erection. I run my hand up her body and cup her breast continuing to lavish her neck with kisses. She turns in my embrace kissing me briefly on the lips but pulls away.
"I need to see Brienne," she says and I frown as she starts to dress. She saunters back over to me clothes on. She kisses me once more letting her hand run over my still prominent bulge. I groan watching her walk out.

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