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I sit while Felicity fixes my hair watching Jaime. "Don't bother," I tell him. He's struggling to put his golden hand on. 

"My father will kill me."

"It's useless. And you're father's already getting what he wants. You ruling over Casterly Rock with a proper wife."

"That doesn't mean he doesn't want me to wear this stupid thing."

"You can't let your father control you all the time."

"I don't," he looks up at me. "Who's idea was it to get married? Not mine. I've gone against my father ever since I could, and now I'm following along with his plan, instead of being in the Kingsguard."

"No one forced you to," I say. Felicity puts a hand on my shoulder. I get up and walk out not saying another word to Jaime. I look for Sansa and Arya, finding them in Sansa's room. "Are you girls ready?"

"Yes," Sansa says smiling at me in the mirror. 

"What about you Arya?"

She sits up from the bed, I hide a gasp seeing she had cut her hair again. It hadn't been that short yesterday. "It doesn't matter," she gets up to walk by.

"What's wrong?" I ask her grabbing her hand. 

"Nothing," she pulls away and walks out. 

"What's wrong with her?" I ask Sansa.

"How am I supposed to know?" I roll my eyes. 

"Fine, let's all just go down and say goodbye to everyone, and then we'll be on our way, the sooner the better," I walk out before she can respond. Jaime's standing in the hallway with his stupid hand in his left hand. I walk up to him and take it. I put it on his stump and use the straps so it stays on. 

"Thank you, I-," I walk away before he can finish. I don't know why everything is annoying me so much today, but I'm just going to focus on getting out of Kings Landing. 

I stand impatiently next to Cersei, trying to conceal my distaste for her. She isn't bothering. "Oh Sansa! There you are!" she pulls my sister into an embrace and I can see her face. "I hope you will visit again."

"As do I," Sansa says curtsying and turning quickly disappearing so she doesn't have to talk with Cersei any longer. 

"What are you doing here?" I hear Cersei say with clear distaste in her voice.

"I'm going along with my dear brother and his young wife to aid them in affairs up North."

"But you're the Master of Coin," she says through tight lips. 

"Oh yes, well I'm sure you'll find someone better suited to take my position now won't you?" Tyrion says in his own condescending way while still sounding polite, he sends me a little smirk before bowing. He turns away, "I must go," he starts to say but the rest of what he was saying is drowned out by my guard coming up and bowing to Cersei.

"My Queen," the one in the middle says. "We are here to guard Lady Stark, on her journey to the North, as you ordered."

"Oh thank you," I say. "You didn't have to," I say to the Queen.

It's her turn to smirk at me, "we wouldn't want anything to befall you on your long journey Northward."

"I won't have anything to worry about with these men," I say pretending to be happy. 

"Sister," Jaime says stepping in, in front of the guards. He looks at me and smiles. I don't return it and his face falls a little. "Everyone is ready to go, My Lady," he says offering his arm. I take it and turn to face Cersei.

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now