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I sit up looking around my room. Robb captured Jaime. I should go to them, I can make him release Ned before it's too late. I get up and start to dress but then stop remembering the last time I decided to just leave. I sit back down. What if Osha was right? What if I could see who I wanted to see. I close my eyes and think of Ned, his hair and face and his eyes. How happy he was to see Catelyn.

I'm not on my bed anymore. I'm standing in Kings Landing in between a huge crowd and a stage. Sansa is standing on the stage next to the Queen and Joffrey. Ser Ilyn Payne is standing off to the side and the Kingsguard is standing behind the Royal Family. Ned is suddenly there being forced up the stairs, with a terrible limp. Sansa smiles slightly up at him but he keeps his head down. Ned walks by Littlefinger, and the sight of him fills me with rage. Ned starts talking and I wish I could understand him. He stops and looks over at Sansa who nods slightly. He continues and though I can't hear what he's saying I can tell it hurts him to say it. Someone throws a rock and it hits him in the side of the head. The Hound who is behind him catches him and stands him up again. He continues to talk and then Pycelle takes over. Joffrey starts talking and when he's done Ned looks terrified. Men of the Kingsguard grab him and force him to his knees. Payne puts a hood on and I can't breathe. He makes his way up the stairs and to where Ned is. Ned continues to look around, Sansa is visibly freaking out, being held back by a Gold Cloak. Verys, the bald fat man hurries over, but it's clear he can't do anything anymore. Ned looks out at the crowd and I start to cry as it feels like he's looking at me. He looks down and Payne takes aim bringing his sword down. I'm still there even as Neds head has hit the ground and been lifted into the air by Payne. I stare at his body slumped over. I feel myself scream but again there's no noise. Sansa faints as men drag his body away.

I blink and I'm laying on the floor of my room. There's a screaming noise and it takes me a moment to realize it's coming from my mouth. I close it as Maester Luwin comes running in, and let out a sob. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" he kneels next to me looking for an injury.

"It's Ned," I say. "It's my father, he's dead. They killed him!"

"Shhh," he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Take a breath," I listen letting out a shaky one. "Talk to me," so I tell him everything. I tell him about my dreams, and then the one I had just had.

"Both of my fathers are dead now," I say sniffling.

"You still have a mother, and your brothers. I didn't know the man who raised you but Ned was a great man. We'll tell the boys in the morning," he helps me up and I lay back down, falling asleep in moments.

I get up and dress myself. I wipe at my puffy eyes, and make my way downstairs and out to the courtyard. Luwin is standing there reading a note, and just pass him Osha is walking towards us carrying Bran. Luwin looks at me, "I just got word about it," he turns away from me and walks towards Bran. "Bran," he says sadness in his voice. He puts a hand on his shoulder and I turn away. I go into the dining hall and sit there picking at the food a servant laid in front of me.

I get up and go upstairs to my room and pack a bag. I go back down to the kitchens carrying it and pack myself some food. "What are you doing?"

I turn to see Luwin and Rickon. "I'm going to help Robb, it's the least I can do."

"I told you you would leave, and you won't come back ever."

"I'm leaving, but I will be back."

"You should go see Jon he may have something for you."

"Thank you," I move past them and out to the yard.

"Hey," Jon says seeing me. "You leaving?"

"I have things I have to do."

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now