Starks vs. Joffrey

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Prince Joffrey and Arya are arguing. Arya hits him, and he tries to hit her with his sword. She trips over her feet and he holds his sword to her chest, plunging it in, just as Nymeria jumps out to attack him.

I sit up breathing hard. "Are you OK?" Ned asks standing by the flap. I nod drawing my knees up to my chest.

"Just a- just a bad dream."

"We're getting ready to move out. You want to talk about it?" I shake my head no. "Alright, you can talk to me though you know that?" I nod. "Get dressed, and then come out and eat something," he says moving out of the tent. I relax slightly leaning my head back. Why would the Prince kill Arya? They're just children the both of them.

"M'Lady," a girl comes in curtsying. "I'm here to help you dress."

"I don't need any help," I say throwing the blankets off. I scoot out of bed and stand. She helps anyway pulling my dress over my head and she laces up the back of it.

Someone clears their throat. It's Jaime. "May I come in?" I roll my eyes.


"Leave us," he says to the girl.

"Yes Ser Jaime," she says blushing and curtsying. She hurries out.

"What do you want?" I ask reaching up behind my back to finish lacing my dress. He swats my hands away. "You can't keep doing this," I say as he starts to lace my dress.

"You don't look like you slept well."

"I had the dreams again."

"Any new ones?"


"And?" I straighten as his finger grazes my back.

I pull away slightly. "Joffrey kills Arya."

"Well, I really don't see that happening. Really," he tugs the laces a little pulling me back against him. I look up at him, "he can be mean, but he wouldn't kill someone. Especially his future sister-in-law."

I pull away yet again, and stand up. "What do you want?" I ask facing him. I reach up and start braiding my hair to the side.

"I thought we could spar at the inn later. Of course after you explore and stuff, but I'm sure we can find a nice spot."

"OK," I say smiling slightly.

"That's better. How about you go in the wheelhouse? You could catch a nap."

"And be locked in with your sister? No thank you," he laughs.

"Suit yourself. I'll come get you this afternoon?"

"Sure," I say. He leaves and I let my breath out sitting down. My skin tingles where he had touched it. I get up and walk out right into Jaime's back. "Ughh, sorry," I say.

"Not a problem, see you around," he smiles slightly and walks away.

"It's fine Ned," I say seeing him next to me. "We were just talking."

"I just don't want him to hurt you."

"He wouldn't do that."

"Are you rethinking the marriage proposal?"

"No, Ned of course not. I'm going to go home tomorrow, and then I'll hopefully never see him again."

"I don't think you like that idea," I roll my eyes. "Go on and get some breakfast. We'll be at the inn by noon."

"Thank you," I say walking over towards the cooks fire.

We arrived at the inn shortly after noon, to find it had been taken over by a man and his wife. There was nothing left from my childhood there, and they couldn't tell me anything. I sit on my bed that I would be sharing with Arya and Sansa both that night, closing my eyes. Sansa comes in briefly and grabs Lady's leash. She smiles at me briefly.

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