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A/N: Trigger warning: this chapter deals with rape


I walk down the hallway thoughts swirling through my head. How could I help Brienne? Besides the obvious she seemed a shell of herself. How was I supposed to help her get back to being... well Brienne? My grip tightens on the tray and I just want to beat anyone who'd even thought of hurting her let alone acted upon it. I near her room, and go to knock when I notice there is talking from within. I press my ear to the door and withdraw a moment later still carrying the tray. 

"I thought that was for Brienne," Jaime says frowning at me as I walk back into our room. 
"I'm sure she can wait," I say. "Besides you were saying last night?..." I giggle as he pulls me to him. 
"I was entirely serious," he whispers to me. 


I stand in front of the mirror looking at myself. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I'd thrown away the tea I'd been given, my hand lies on my belly that is still fairly flat. I frown. I knew next to nothing about having a baby though I'd seen my own mother multiple times pregnant. Shouldn't I have a belly already? I turn sideways examining myself through the dress. My fingers move digging into the fabric slightly. What if I'd killed the little monster already? My heart aches at the thought that something inside of me could be a monster. 

I back away from the mirror and then turn fleeing my room. I find myself outside Brienne of Tarth's room. I'd heard about her, how she wasn't pretty and could fight any man who went against her and win. She'd beaten Renly and I'd even heard she beat Jaime, though he was tied up at the time. Though the man had brought my sister happiness I couldn't help but feel bitter towards him. Rumors were that he had fathered the monster who put this monster inside of me. I push the thoughts away and knock softly on the door. 

"Come in," I hear a voice that sounds as defeated as I feel. I open the door and walk in closing it gently behind me. I look everywhere but at the bed. 

"I missed it here," I find myself saying looking at all the Stark memorabilia that somehow had survived Ramsay. It was hard to believe he hadn't destroyed everything here. "I couldn't wait to leave, to be with my one true love, but before I knew it I wished I'd never left," I make my way over to a stool by the bed and sit down. I play with the fabric of my dress. "Do you miss it? Home?" I ask finally looking up to meet the bluest eyes I had ever seen. As blue as a sapphire. They look sad, angry, confused. 

"Of course I do. I miss my father, and the sea, and the people who taught me how to fight."

"I hear you're very good."

"Was very good," she corrects me.

"Who's to say you couldn't be better?" she doesn't look at me. "My sister was always good at fighting. And getting in trouble. She'd sneak off during our lessons and be found beating someone up. She still hasn't outgrown that one. She went off to kill Joffrey."

Brienne takes a breath and looks away. "My father supported it eventually because I wouldn't stop fighting. He said I might as well win if I was going to keep on doing it."

"I hear you beat Ser Loras," she nods. "And Jaime?" 

"He was tied up-."

"But you still beat him. And then he left you," I murmur. "I suppose you probably hate him now. I-."

"I don't hate him, I would have left me too."

"No you wouldn't have," I say. "I've heard all about you and how selfless you are. You would have saved another woman from the fate you had," I turn white and look down at my hands. "Sorry I shouldn't have-."

"No, it happened," she says and I can hear the determination in her voice. "I can't change that. Just like I can't change what happened to him."

"This was Bran's room," I say looking around at the walls again. "He loved how he could see the towers from here. He'd dream about climbing all the time. And- I don't know what- I don't know why I'm crying," I say tears streaming down my face. I lean forwards resting my head on her bed. A hand rests on the back of my head rubbing it. "I couldn't do it, I couldn't kill this monster and now I can't do anything about it and-."

"Shhh," she says. "Start from the beginning."

I take a breath and before I know it it's all pouring out. From the beginning. From when we left Winterfell to my father's death. To Jofffrey and Ser Meryn beating me in front of everyone. To the weddings and the night he'd forced himself on me. I tell her about the trip back here and every detail I can think of. "I couldn't take the tea. I just couldn't."

"If I were to turn up pregnant," she continues to run her fingers through my hair. "I honestly don't know what I would do. You're very brave."

I sniffle looking up at her. "What Locke's men, Roose Bolton's men, did to you. Is-."

She stops me and I notice a slight trembling in her hand. "I promised myself I was done crying over it. I'll just learn to live with it and-," I take my hand in hers. 

"I'm here for you. So is my sister, but I promise you I won't judge you on anything you ever say. I can't even imagine," I shudder. "After Joffrey, if there was anymore. I don't think I would have survived, but here you are. Comforting me even though you're still bedridden. I must sound like a spoiled little girl to you as if I didn't get my way or-."

"Stop," she says. "I'm here for you too. We'll get through this together. You said I can be better I'm going to need some help even if you are a spoiled little girl. You understand. As long as you help me get better I will help you with your," she motions to my stomach. 

"It's a deal," I say. "Neither of us have to kneel we're on equal terms. To start getting better we should start with breakfast," I get up. "I'll be right back."


I walk down the hall another tray in my hand with food on it for Brienne and Sansa if she was still visiting. I knock on the door after not hearing any voices. There's no answer so I push the door open myself and walk in to see Sansa and Brienne sleeping side by side peaceful looking their shoulders slightly touching. I set the food down for if they wanted it when they woke and slowly back out. 

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