Feasts and towers

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Being the eldest of the Stark children, despite not having any social grace whatsoever, I am granted a seat at the high table with the rest of the adults including the King and his family. Not that King Robert remains there long, standing to go sit in some poor whore's lap. I feel sorry for her bearing his weight, until I realize she doesn't care. My gaze goes to Queen Cersei and I see that she is looking with distaste upon his acts.

Ned looks uncomfortable, as does Catelyn but no one else seems to have noticed. "I don't think I have had the pleasure to meet you?" I look up and blush seeing Ser Jaime Lannister.

"And to what do we owe your company dear brother?" Queen Cersei asks.

"I only wished to greet my hosts formally, I did not get the chance upon our arrival."

"I see you're off duty."

"I am never off duty. Someone else gets to listen to the King fuck his whores tonight."

I gasp, and cover my mouth. I had grown up in an inn, I was used to hearing all kinds of things but never would I expect to hear them about the King. I mean he was the King. Ned clears his throat, "thank you for being so gracious, Ser Jaime." he nods at Ned but then looks at me.

"Do you care to dance Lady...?"
"Lya," I say and look to Ned who shrugs.

"Lady Lya," he holds out his arm. I take it and move around the table.

"I'm going to be honest here, Ser Jaime. I have never danced before."

"Well, in that case just hold on," he guides one hand to his shoulder, takes my hip gentle but firm in his hand, and he moves me around the few people who did decide to dance tonight. People seem to want to get out of the Kings way as he is roaringly drunk surrounded by whores.

"So, you're sister is the Queen?"

"Very perceptive one we have here."

I giggle, "I feel bad for her," I turn sober.

"Why? She's the Queen."

"She doesn't look happy," I say watching her still face glaring down at her husband. He turns us so my back is to the table. "Who cares if you're a God, if you're unhappy?"

"Well as a God, I'm sure those of us down here would feel her unhappiness."

"So who is feeling the Queen's unhappiness?"

"Right now it should be her husband," he says and I see her face again the same look she's worn all night. All afternoon it seems since we went down to the crypts.

"But he isn't so who is?"

He shrugs, "you're thinking too much about this."

"Uncle Jaime I will dance with her now," Prince Joffrey says coming up behind us.

"Of course," he leans in and kisses my cheek and I feel my eyes widen. "I'll save you," he says and steps out of the way. Joffrey's hands take the place of Ser Jaime's and I feel the difference immediately. Joffrey is a little shorter than myself for one, so things are immediately awkward. Not to mention the grip he has on my hip hurts.

"So, I hear I am to marry your sister."

"I heard the same, Your Prince?" I say hoping to be right with his title.

He smirks, "she's gorgeous. I hope she'll be good in bed." I bite my lip.

"She will make a good wife for you," I respond safely.

"You know you're really pretty as well," his grip tightens and I let out a little gasp as his fingers dig into my skin.

"Joffrey," Ser Jaime is back. "Your mother wishes to speak with you."

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now