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I sit up breathing hard looking around in the darkness unsure of where I am at first. Jaime moves against me pulling the covers closer to him his stump resting on my bare leg. I stare down at it a little shocked at first that I was in bed with someone. I close my eyes breathing to relax myself. I gently push his hand off my leg and stand walking past all the candles that had long since gone out. I pull his shirt on me from off the ground making sure it covered everything before I walked out past the tent flap.

"Are you OK Lady Lannister?"

It always confused me for a moment that they would be calling me by that name instead of Stark. It shouldn't to the Lannister guards I was for all intensive purposes a Lannister now. They were to protect me from everything. "Yes, thank you I am fine. I just needed a breath of fresh air," a breeze starts to blow pushing my loose hair back.

I stare off into the distance we were to be home the following day. Well depending on the time it could be that day. I smile at the thought but it quickly disappears thinking of all the people who weren't going to be there. My mother and Robb, Jon though he was still alive at the least. My father, Bran and Rickon though again the last I'd seen of them they were alive. I had no idea where they were though. My heart aches for everyone.

"What's wrong?" I hear Jaime's voice in my ear before his arms wrap around my waist.

"Arya," I breathe back resting my head on his shoulder.

"Where is she?"

"It's not where she is, it's where she's going to be. Has your brother said anything about how his efforts are going?" he turns me around and holds both my hands in his one.

"No, but it's Tyrion he will get it done. I promise you'll have your sister back," he presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I- just- I- I," I'm trying not to cry it has me all stressed out and concerned about her future of being alive.

"C'mon back inside," he says gently pulling me back into the tent with him. He pulls me back into bed sitting me across from him his legs on either side of me and wraps the blankets around us. "Talk to me."

"She- she's going to kill Joffrey" I whisper knowing that no one can hear what I'm saying.

"Do you know when?"

"Of course I don't know when. I just know what I saw."

"Tyrion has people finding her."

"But no one knows how close they are to their goal and according to that vision they sure as seven hells aren't achieving it."

"Sweetheart Tyrion sent your guards after her along with people he's paying. Those guards will die protecting your sister. Not to mention Gendry. I've never seen the lad fight but he seems pretty taken with her. Maybe you should try to find him?"

"I haven't been able to see Arya."

"Just try," he whispers cupping my cheek. "We will talk to Tyrion in the morning."

I close my eyes listening his touch soothing me relaxing me so I can think. "How's it going? " he asks after a while.

"It's not," I grumble.

"I like this shirt on you," he says playing with the hem letting his fingers play over the skin underneath.
I feel myself blushing. "You aren't going to distract me this is my sister who's possibly going to get herself killed."

"If I remember correctly," he says leaning in his breath on my neck making me shiver "it's just the two of us who are supposed to produce an heir."

"Jaime-," I start but he swallows it with a kiss on my lips. My body aches for him over powering my need to do something about my sister.

He rests his head on my shoulder his face in the crook of my neck our breathing is returning to normal. "I'm going to talk to him," I say pushing him off and standing up.

"Hey he's sleeping," he says tugging on my wrist.

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now