2 peas in a pod

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A/n: finally an update! I am so sorry to leave everyone hanging. I struggled a lot but maybe this will help me move along again. Anyways enjoy!

I sit up stretching then frown down at the bed. Jaime moans his hand finding it's way across my body. It was almost a month since we'd arrived. Almost a month since Jaime said we should have a baby and here between my legs was proof it hadn't worked. I can't help but feel the disappointment flood me. Jaime snuggles into the side of my leg and I run my fingers through his hair. It had been a long month getting things ready for the possibility of white walkers as well as winter. As winter was finally upon us. We'd been able to organize the north and get oaths of fealty some grudgingly from every family. I try to slip out of bed I did need to clean myself up but Jaime stops me.
"Can we try again?" He kisses my leg.
"It hasn't worked yet," I say ignoring my voice crack. "My flowering started," I say getting out of bed. I clean myself up and as I'm getting dressed Jaime hugs me from behind.
"You're going to be a great Mom someday," he whispers. "If I can help it that day will be sooner rather than later. But for now I guess it wasn't meant to be. We'll try again once you're flowering is done."
"Thank you," I say already feeling better. I kiss his cheek and finish getting dressed.
There's a knock on the door and Jaime answers. "My Lord someone approaches from the north."
"Who?" I ask moving towards the door.
"It is still unknown."
"How far out is he?"
"About an hour or so. Shall I send an envoy to meet them?"
"Yes send two men with my banners. Find out who they are. Keep an eye out," I say. "Will you find out if Tyrion has any ideas," I ask Jaime.
"Of course," he turns towards the room beginning to dress himself.
"Thank you Maester Arell."
The maester turns and leaves. Winter might have arrived but turning to look out my window it wasn't currently snowing. It snowed through most every night but seemed to hold off during the day. At the moment snow blankets everything drifting around walls and buildings piled high on top of things people are just getting up and beginning to get to work clearing it all off and making paths through the snow. The lack of a snowfall made visibility much better beyond the walls. I admire the glitter the fire sends out across the snow in the still low light and try to figure out who was coming. "Babe," Jaime puts a hand on me. I shake my head frowning and then squeeze his hand.
"I should go out and wait. Talk to Tyrion please," he kisses my cheek before walking out me following behind him and then separating.

I stand shivering in my cloak despite the fire next to me when the rider finally comes back. "It is Jon Snow the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch."
"What?" I say frowning. "Shouldn't he be up there taking care of those White Walkers he told us about? Let him in," it takes a moment but he walks through the door leading his horse both of them limping slightly. The reins are taken and I go to Jon.
"My Lady," he says seeming uncertain. I throw my arms around him hugging him. He hugs me back.
"Come you're freezing and you must be exhausted," I lead him inside and into the dining hall where he's served food. I sit waiting patiently to ask why he came. Jaime comes in and sits next to me.
"I couldn't find the little man," he says.
I frown. "Where's Shay?"
"Hasn't seen him. She seemed suspicious."
"She always does."
"I guess I didn't want to believe it but here it is," Jon says. "The Stark and Lannisters have united I guess?"
"Yes," I say simply. "Jaime do you remember Jon?"
"How could I not? How can we help you?"
"I thought I was marching south to retake my childhood home. I have an entire army that needs food and warmth."
"From who?"
"The Boltons," he says.
"And what army?"
"Wildlings," he says.
"What about the nights watch?"
"There was mutiny," he says quietly. "Some men betrayed me and they stabbed me to death."
"How are you-?"
"The Lord of Light had a priestess. She brought me back."
"Is this woman with you?"
"Stannis had a priestess."
"She is," Jon says.
"And do you follow this woman?" I ask.
"No," he says. "I still follow the Old Gods."
"Let me see what we can do."

As the day goes on the army moves in and a lot of it goes after a meal and warming up. It's weird mingling with wildlings but without their bad manners and ignorance of our customs they could have been any one of us. At one point I hear Jon say they'd just happened to be on the wrong side of the wall and I find myself agreeing with him.
A part of me starts to hate myself for the way I'd always felt so scared of them and how ignorant I had been of them. Looking at them I gain a sense of respect for them. They'd been willing to follow Jon in battle and for something they didn't truly comprehend the meaning of I suspected. These people whom didn't follow anyone chose to follow someone from our side of the wall. I wished to learn more of their story but I knew it would have to wait.

"Babe!" I'm being shaken. I moan and shift my weight away.
"What?" I groan into my pillow.
"People are coming," I sit up.
"What kind?"
"Unknown still. Felicity is here to help you dress," I blink in the fire light and see he was already mostly dressed. I stand and Felicity works quickly helping me change into something more presentable. Fixing my hair behind my head. We make our way towards the gate atop the wall looking out through the snow. Jaime holds me close trying to help keep me warm.
The rider rides into the gates and I nearly whoop with joy seeing Arya astride the horse two men following her. I hurry down and scoop her into a hug collapsing to my knees.
"You scared me," I whisper to her holding her close.
Jaime gently pulls me away holding me. "We should get her inside," we herd them inside where they are fed and watered.
"I'm going to go get Sansa," I say. Jaime allows me to on my own and I walk through the familiar walls feeling easily at peace for the most part. A few of the family was still missing but at least Arya had made it back.
I knock then open Sanaa's door and no one is in it. I frown and make my way to Briennes room. I knock gently and no one answers. I open the door and walk in the gentle glow lighting up Briennes still healing face. Sansa is on the floor next to the bed clutching her blankets for dear life.
I move and squat down shaking her. She screams sitting up lashing out getting me in the face with her hand. Brienne is up hushing her comforting her in an instant while I hold my nose.
Had this been a thing the two of them sharing a room I wonder. It seemed like they were accustomed to what they were doing Briennes soft words like talking to an injured animal and Sansa so quick to please calming down.
"I'm so sorry," Sansa says.
"Don't worry about it," I say. "I came to tell you Arya was back," to my shock she starts to cry. Brienne comforts her then as well.
"Where is she?" Brienne finally addresses me.
"Eating. In the dining hall."
"I can escort her down there," Brienne says.
"Are you sure?"

I let her lean on me as we walk down the hallway. She's still sniffling a little but I knew she wanted to see her baby sister. She might complain about her all the time but Sansa loved the younger girl. And it did feel nice to get up. I was tired of being in bed but couldn't handle too much at the same time.
Sansa rushes to Arya and hugs her. The two girls embrace tightly and then Arya is stuffing her face. I can't help but smile.
"So you're back," Arya says looking at me talking with her mouth full.
"Really?" Sansa says already back to nagging her. Arya sticks her tongue out.
"So are you," I say starting to sweat that she was talking with me but she doesn't respond but continues to eat.
Suddenly there's the young man whom had shown up earlier in the day walking in. I pull a little further away as he squeezes Arya and she squeezes him back. Sansa rolls her eyes next to him.
"They always were close," Sansa says.
"Like two peas in a pod. Mom always hated their relationship. That they got along so well," she pauses glaring at the two and I suspect some jealousy. "He got her her first sword."
"My father gave me my first real one." Sansa finds my hand under the table.
"We've already talked about it your father has already forgiven you."
"I haven't even seen him," I say darkly.
"Hey Jon," I catch the younger Stark saying. "Have you noticed Sansa was getting fat?" Everyone looks up then and Sansa presses herself to me. I stand and walk out taking her with me. I can hear Arya arguing with someone as the doors close behind us.
"Someone was bound to notice. You couldn't hide it forever," I say hugging her. "At the same time I am sorry."
"It's just Arya," she says sounding defeated. "I guess I thought if I pretended it didn't happen. Any of it. No Joffrey no stupid behavior no stupid baby."
"We both know it doesn't work like that," I kiss the top of her head.
"I'll just be on the floor," Sansa says back at my room. Since that first night she slept in my room she either slept on the floor or my bed but seemed like she liked the floor more.
"Sansa it's going to be ok."
"Thank you, Brienne," Sansa says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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