The Queen

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A/N: Here's this chapter, I'm posting the next one in a couple minutes :)

I watch the molten gold cover the silver-haired male again as he screams silently in pain.

I watch as the silver-haired girl drinks from the cup and then collapses choking to death.

I see Bran wrapped in blankets, his eyes fly open.

I watch as Ned kneels in front of a crowd, Sansa screaming in the background, and a sword comes down taking his head off.

I sit up breathing hard, a hand to my chest. Three deaths and Bran waking up. I shove those three away and focus on the glorious sight of Bran's eyes. I shove my covers off me, not caring as they fall to the floor, and get up dressing quickly. I hurry to Bran's room, and then wait outside pacing, eager for him to awaken.

"Good morning Lya," Ned says gravely. "Have you gone in yet?" I shake my head no. He puts a hand on my shoulder, and steers me in in front of him. He kisses Bran's forehead over my shoulder, and then moves to his wife who is shivering. I lean in and kiss his forehead, smoothing his hair back.

"You're going to wake up, I know you are. Now, c'mon wake up," I say softly. I kneel resting my hands on his bed, watching him expecting him to wake up. After a few moments, when Ned has left, I can't take it anymore. "C'mon, I know you can," I kiss his forehead again, and go back to my pacing the hall.

Robb comes up, and then walks wordlessly by me. I shiver at his anger but continue my pacing. I count to thirty going back and forth before Robb comes out. He closes the door behind him before facing me. "What are you doing?"



"Because I can't-."

"Are you standing vigil for his death or are you here to finish the job?" he hisses in my face completely catching me off guard. I blink slightly confused feeling tears rise.

"N-neither, what are you talking about?"

"Father told me that you're going back to that inn of yours. What have you decided we aren't a good enough family for you? You're going to kill Bran and then leave."

"What? No! Bran is just a child, I would never!"

"Get out of here!" he pushes me. "You are no sister of mine!" I turn and run, brushing past Theon as I go. I make it halfway through the courtyard when blinded by tears Jaime stops me.

"Let me go," I say desperately. He opens his mouth to say something and I haul back and punch him in the face. I stare at him as blood spurts out of his nose. I grab him suddenly and pull him into a hug. I feel his arms wrap around me, his hands at the small of my back, as I tighten my arms around his neck sobbing into his neck. I can feel his blood leaking onto me but I don't care I just cry.

Suddenly we're walking, he's pushing me backwards and I let him. Through my sobs i feel a growing awareness of our close proximity and my body sings with pleasure. The backs of my knees hit a stump. He sits me down kneeling in front of me. He reaches up and wipes my tears with his sleeve. "Tell me what's wrong," he says simply.

I look at him, and then nod gulping. "I'm sorry," I say tearing off a part of my dress and holding it up to his nose. He lets me.

"Some punch you have. Now, what's wrong," he says his serious voice turned comical by the muffling of my cloth.

"Robb is being a dick and I've been having these dreams."

"Nightmares about what happened?"

"No, they're different. I've had them since all this started," I motion to my hair which is now pure gold, matching his. I shake my head, "I've been seeing people die, people I don't even know."

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