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A/N: Surprise! This one is in Arya's POV. Possibly the only time this happens, and it is definitely more of a filler to the main storyline, but I wanted to add some of Jaime's bonding with the rest of the family. I'll hopefully be able to post another chapter sooner than later. I just don't know, because I'm babysitting the next week and a half and working my usual job. Anyway's enjoy the chapter!

I grit my teeth in frustration as I continue to hit the tree. Jaime had found me and was watching me from a spot a little ways away his handless arm tucked up into his opposite arm like he needs to hide it from me. I'm surprised he didn't have the stupid golden hand my sister seemed to hate so much. I hit the tree particularly hard breaking the stick in my hand.

I groan, "if only I had Needle," I say out loud.

"What? You would have felled the tree?" Jaime asks amusement laced in his voice.

"You would have felled the tree?" I repeat mocking him. 

"This seems to serve to get your anger out. Get another one."

"You aren't the boss of me," I say still turning to get a stick to continue beating the tree. 

"I never said I was," he says settling further into his spot getting comfortable. 

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off somewhere with my sister?"

"Shouldn't you be with everyone else?" that shuts me up for a moment. 

"She's mad at you isn't she?" I don't give him time to respond before I continue on, "you're always with each other. And even when you aren't, both of you seem to be distracted by thoughts of each other. I'm surprised she isn't expecting a child yet." he doesn't respond as I turn back to the tree my chosen stick in hand. "I'm right aren't I?"

"Yes, she's mad at me, but I could say the same of you."

"What have you done to make me mad?"

"Well you're angry at something."

I move hitting the tree feeling the vibrations shudder through the stick hurting my hands. "So?" I ask ignoring the uncomfortableness and hit the tree again. 

"Where is Needle?"

"What?" I let the stick fall looking at him.

"Where is Needle? That's your sword right?"

"Gendry has it," I hit the tree again. 

"Gendry hmm?" I feel myself blush. "What did he do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not stupid. And yes your sister is mad at me, but we talk about things."

I continue to beat the tree, "what did you do?"

"I haven't quite figured it out yet. Do you know?" I hear him ask and his want to make things right with my sister comes through in his voice. "What did Gendry do?" I ignore him as I snap another stick. He stands and as I grab another preparing to attack the tree, he corrects my stance with his foot nudging them into other places. It even feels more comfortable.

"Maybe she's just in a bad mood. And that lovely golden hand of yours never improves her mood."

"My father expected me to wear it," he says defensively as he moves my hands on the stick to adjust for it's weight. "Don't hold it so tightly," I listen and this time when I hit the tree the stick bounces back a little but the vibrations don't hurt as badly.

"Maybe you should have just gone against him and done what made you both happy."

"Is that what you want with Gendry?" I feel myself blush as I move away quickly going for the tree. 

"He says it isn't proper," I say not looking at him as I prepare to hit the tree. "And I can't talk to Sansa because she would agree, and then wouldn't leave me alone that I- there's- Gendry," I say unable to admit out loud that I like a boy. I could barely think about it in my head. "And Lya's always busy."

"You're young, he's young. You've been through a lot, keep the friendship and deal with the rest later," he says to me. "You are friends right?" I smile a little as I nod. 

"He knew I was a girl long before I admitted it. But he won't stop calling me M'Lady. I am not his M'lady. I want-," I stop. "We're equals," I say firmly.

"Stay friends and see what happens," he advises and I continue the abuse of the poor tree. 

I hear someone clear their throat. I look to see Lya standing there, with her guards behind her looking anxious. I'm sure she ordered them there, not wanting to hide behind them. "Arya, I'd like to speak with my husband."

I drop the stick deciding to listen for once. I was going to go check on Needle. "Thank you Ser Jaime," I say starting back towards everyone else. I groan as Lya sent the guards after me.

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