Stannis Vs Renly

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A/N: This is the shortest chapter I've written for this story yet. It's more of a filler though, something I needed to write but didn't need to take up a lot of space. My hatred for Melisandre managed to get out no matter how hard I tried to keep myself neutral on it. The next chapter will be longer, I'm already working on it.

I sit up pushing my hair back out of my face. “Where are you going?”

“To negotiate with Stannis and Renly.”

“Let me come,” I say standing and dressing myself.

“You should focus on finding Arya and Sansa.”

“It’s not working, I can’t sleep all day. I need a break, and actually do something.”

“Fine, go get Silver,” I leave the tent after strapping my sword on and get Silver ready. I am on her back when everyone else comes and I follow them away from the encampment. It takes about half an hour to reach the meeting spot, where Stannis is already sitting astride his horse.

I look away from him out at the view of the ocean from the top of the cliffs, and can’t help but notice that the way we are positioned, Stannis has the upperhand. I look back at them as Stannis starts to speak. “The Ladies Stark, I had not thought to find you in the stormlands.”

“We had not thought to be here, Lord Stannis,” my mother responds as I look past Stannis towards the woman in red. She hasn’t blinked once yet and she’s staring at me. I don’t hear the exchange between the two brothers, something about banners, but I really don’t care. I grip the reins tighter as I continue looking at her, feeling extremely uneasy. There’s something off about her, and it’s not because she isn’t blinking.

I get the sense that she is evil, and given the chance would kill anyone no matter who they were. As I continue to look into her eyes, I start seeing a fire behind her eyes, which grows larger as she speaks. “Aww you must be the fire priestess we hear so much about,” my ears don’t pick up the rest as she raises her head slightly the fire burning fiercer. They all start to talk and still the fire is all I see. As they start to leave, her eyes flick to Renly breaking me from my trance.

“The night is dark and full of terrors,” are the last words she says before she is gone.

“She’s threatening him,” I whisper my hand going to my sword.

Catelyn stops me, “what are you talking about?”

“I don’t like her, she will do anything to get power. Let’s go back I’m feeling tired,” I turn my house around and gallop back towards the encampment.


I’m no longer standing in Kings Landing watching people walk back and forth, but in some sort of cave. The Red Woman, the fire priestess, whatever you want to call the evil bitch, is standing taking her clothes off. My eyes widen as I take in her pregnant belly, that hadn’t been noticeable earlier. She lays down and starts giving birth almost like it’s nothing. My eyes widen as I see a dark drippy shadowy mass come out of her exposed legs instead of a crying tiny baby. A flash of Renly lying in a pool of blood flashes before my vision, and the cave disappears for the sounds of the camp.


I sit up looking around. Catelyn is nowhere in sight, so I fix myself and get up heading for Renly’s tent. Night has already had fallen and I’m unsure of what I truly saw in the cave, but I know I saw Renly dead. Checking on him is what I need to do first. I get to his tent and nod to his guards before walking in. “Negotiate a peace with your brother,” Catelyn is saying.

“Negotiate with Stannis?” I see Brienne is helping Renly take off his armor. “You heard him out there. I’d have better luck debating the wind. Please bring my terms to your son,” he says turning around. I turn to feeling something in the pit of my stomach. I move to the entryway as he keeps talking.

“Don’t let anyone else in,” I say to the guards before turning back around. Almost instantaneously there is a sharp wind behind me blowing through the tent. “Renly!” I call as the mysterious shadowy thing I had seen in the cave materializes behind him. I go for my sword as if in slow motion but as I watch I know it’s too late. A shadowy dagger is sticking out of the front of Renly’s chest reflected in the mirror.

Brienne lets out a scream as he falls and she catches him. Renly’s guards come bursting in the room pushing me out of the way. “You’ll die for this!” one shouts and she draws her sword. Catelyn tries to protest but we only watch as Brienne slays them both.

I grab my mom’s hand as she breathes heavily looking at the dead men on the ground. Brienne collapses over Renly and starts to sob. “We have to get out of here,” I say to my mom.

She kneels by Brienne, “we’ve got to leave. They’ll hang you for this, we have to leave now.”

“I won’t leave him.”

“You have to avenge him Brienne, you can’t do that if they kill you first. Let’s go,” I say moving past Catelyn and to Brienne putting a hand on her shoulder. Catelyn starts towards the entrance, but Brienne gains control over herself and heads the other way.

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