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A long car ride, a shit full of hot cocoa, and 100 misleading thought which lead me to think this was all just a big mistake.

Whose mother was constantly drunk or on drugs and would barely be at home. Whose father treated them like shit and blamed them for their mothers actions. And a girl who's parents divorced when she was young and was separated from her own brother.

A girl who had to learn to take care of herself and learned to fight for herself. Who lost her childhood and innocence at such a young age. And who was sexually assaulted at the age of 8 while her father blames what happened to her on 'asking for it'. Who's father said she deserved it.

These thoughts made her sick to the stomach, and the heart. The realization hit her that her mother never cared about her wellbeing, but instead cared more about her brother because he was a boy. She never wanted a girl in the first place. Your father was forced to take you in, he didn't want to, but he didn't have a choice.

He treated you... Ok... For the most part. There were rules that he held in which were broken would result in a series of consequences.

For example, coming home late, or hanging out with friends. Having sleepovers at other people houses, having people over, not cleaning up after his mess.
Maybe.. Yo-

You were cut off by the car coming to a stop in front of a white, 2 story house. It was elegant, compared to where you lived in with your father.

Back to first person POV

Maybe I can make the most out of this little town. I thought to myself as the police officer in the front ordered me to get out of the car, and so I did. I swing open the door, purposely making it hit the metal pole infront. The once smiling officers smile drops, his eyes widened, and jaw hanging. He was furious. That just made my day. I smirked and scooted my body towards the end of the seat before spitting out the gum I had been chewing on to the floor. Now out of the car, I slam the door behind me in hopes to make the cop even more made then they already are.
My hand traces the scratches on the car till I reach the trunk and open it, revealing all of my luggage. I grab two suitcases and two boxes, and bring them one by one to the front door.

Finally packing all the boxes near the door, the cop car drives off, and I decide to raise my middle finger to the car. I giggle to myself before turning to the grey door. A set of black balling are caught in a tree nearby, but not to my concern, I bang on the door.

The door creaks open a little bit, enough to see a small head peep out through the door. Then a gasp.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the door swing open, now revealing... Robin.. in his pajamas? It was a rare sight, but I'd have to get used to it.

Robin pulls me into a warm, cozy, embrace and I kindly accept the offer. "EEK! I have so much to tell you about what you've been missing out on. My eyes grew wide as I had to look back at him to make sure he wasn't some old man in disguise.

"YOU'VE GOTTEN SO BIG? WHO ARE YOU! YOUR NOT THE ROBIN I REMEMBER?!" His voice had gotten so deep, it sounded as if he was 20. He was only 7 last time I saw him I was 8. It was crazy to think that 7 years have passed since we've last seen each other. It was kind of sad.

"Yes, it's me y/n, now coms on! Follow me!" And so I did. I picked up as much as I could as Robin ran around the house and up the stairs to a black door which I assumed was my room. And it was. Robin opened the door as if he were a doorman and greeted my like I was royalty.

Even though I looked like shit, I played a long with it and had fun with it. Pretending I was the Queen and he was the King of the house. But our fun was interrupted by the silence of the house. I hadn't noticed it before, but now that I have, I'm curious. " Hey, where's mom?" I asked half subtle and half serious.

"Oh, she's barely here. She's out most of the time."
He responded.

"Well, have you at least eaten?" He shook his head indicating that he hasn't.

"Wanna get something to eat?" I asked him. " He quickly responded with a yes and we headed downstairs to eat. We headed to the diner, ate, and then headed back home.
Maybe Denver wasn't that bad. Maybe I can make a living here.

Maybe Tomorrow


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