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21st December 2008

"Let's go" Nicholas wrapped an arm around Violet's waist. Violet closed the door to the suite they were given to share during their stay in Sandringham. Violet already saw that the news of her going to Sandringham with Nicholas had already spread.

"How do I look?" Violet asked fussing over her hair every time they passed by a mirror in the hallway. Nicholas smiled, he couldn't help but feel like she wanted his uncle and aunt's approval.

"You look amazing" Nicholas assured rubbing soft circles on her waist. Violet smiled lightly feeling very much at ease with Nicholas by her side. Nicholas was leading the way since Violet did not know her way around the palace. When they finally reached the suit the Earl and Countess were in Nicholas knocked on the wooden door. Sophie opened the doors in a couple of seconds, Violet sighed in relief knowing she wasn't underdressed.

"Welcome you too" Sophie opened the door even further. Nicholas stepped in first holding out his hand for Violet to hold. She laced her fingers with his needing something to squeeze as she freaked out over meeting prince Edward.

"Louise and Edward cannot wait to meet you," Sophie said as she closed the door behind the couple. Violet felt a calming aura surround the woman, if Sophie was this sweet then prince Edward cannot be bad.

"I am excited to meet them as well" Violet responded following after the blonde woman hand in hand with her boyfriend.

"Edward, dear" Sophie called as they stepped into the area where a small living room was attached to a dining room and opened on each other. Violet took a deep breath as the smell of food filled her nostrils and her mouth almost watered.

"Coming" Edward called seconds before stepping into the room with one-year-old James on his hip suckling on a pacifier while five years old Louise held on to his trousers eyeing Violet shyly.

"Violet, it is a pleasure meeting you" Edward balanced James on one arm and extended the other for Violet to shake.

"You as well, your highness" Violet shook his hand and gave him a small curtsy, no running away from protocol. Violet almost slapped herself when she remembered that she had forgotten to curtsy to Sophie but the latter did not seem to mind much.

"Please call me Edward, your highness makes me feel old" Edward's smile was as sweet as his wife's. Violet had a feeling that despite their age difference they were going to become her favorite royals, after Nicholas of course.

"Your highness" Violet crouched down to be on the same level as Louise. She usually crouches in front of children because she knows it must be intimidating for them to interact with someone much taller than them.

"My name is Louise, not your highness" Louise pointed out. The four adults couldn't help but laugh at the adorable blonde-haired girl.

"Louise, a little birdy told me that someone's birthday was a while back" Violet pulled the bag she was holding from behind her back and showed it to the little Lady. Louise's lit up behind her small glasses and a grin took over her face. Louise looked at her mother who gave a small nod.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Louise took the bag from Violet and pulled her in for a hug. Violet was caught off guard by the blonde girl but she hugged her back nonetheless.

"Thank you, there was no need for the present," Sophie said after Louise let go of Violet and hopped on a couch to open the present. Violet stood back up much calmer than earlier and had a genuine smile on her face, she loved happy children, they were true happiness in its truest form.

"It was no bother at all" Violet shook her head before holding up a much smaller blue bag trying to ignore the sound of the ripping paper, she wanted to look and see Louise's reaction to the doll but she needed to give James' his present as well, his birthday was only four days ago.

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