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20th December 2009

Violet took a deep breath feeling like she was in heaven. The surprise destination was Budapest which totally shocked Violet since it was not a country on the couple's bucket list. Violet leaned against the railing of the balcony in their room. She watched with a smile as snow fell from the open skies. She pulled her robe closer as a breeze of cold air passed by.

"Come inside love or you will get sick" Nick called from inside the room. Violet turned to face him with a little pout, she loved the view from their room and wanted to stand there forever if possible.

"Let me enjoy myself a little" She crossed her arms in front of her like some child. Nick laughed shaking his head at her childish behaviour.

"Well then I will go on my own" Nicholas teased. He watched her eyes widen as he stood up from the bed and moved to the door.

"Wait! Where?" She stepped back inside closing the glass door behind her. She shivered once inside actually feeling the temperature difference between inside and outside.

"A surprise I prepared but it seems you do not want to see it" Nicholas shrugged his shoulders. Violet took off her robe to show her pajamas underneath.

"No I want to go, I'll change quickly" She promised. Nicholas watched as she pulled out a dress from her back before scrambling to the bathroom, pausing only for a second to press a kiss to his cheek when she passed by him.

"Quickly" He playfully swatted her bum making her squeal. She glared at him before closing the door to the bathroom. She changed into the dress and pulled up her leather heeled boots. Her hair was already straightened so she pulled back the front parts and put a clip over them to keep them in place. She put on light makeup not being a fan of too much.

"I'm ready" Violet announced, pulling open the door and stepped into the room. She pulled on a white coat to match her hand bag while her dress and boots were black.

"Let's go then" Nicholas who had sat on the edge of the bed as he waited for her jumped up and held out his arm. Violet smiled as she linked her arm with his and let him lead her out of the room, making sure they had their key card they closed the door and left the floor.

"Where is this surprise"? Violet asked, as the lift slowly descended down to the reception on the bottom floor.

"It won't be a surprise if I tell you, love" Nicholas answered. He leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead. Violet huffed annoyed but did not question it. The air was cold as they left the hotel, alone and with no security, the best thing about being in a country where barely anyone recognized you. The had rented a car for the two or so days they were staying there so going from one place to the other was no bother.

"It is not far away, do not worry" Nicholas explained. He kept a hand on the steering wheel and the other held Violet's hand, tightly which was very unlike him. He kept his eyes on the road reading the signs to reach his destination.

"The Buda Castle?" Violet gasped shocked. Nick rolled into the parking lot by the castle, they were the only ones there. They got out, Nick fiddling with his coat while Violet was gaping at the castle.

"Come on, love" Nick held out his hand for her to take. Violet latched onto his arm letting her lead her again. The security guard nodded at Nicholas and let them in. There was no one else there except them, it was after hours after all.

"This is beautiful" Violet whispered, looking at the walls and the ceiling. She felt like a prince gliding through her palace.

"It is" Nicholas agreed with a nod. Violet let go of his hand and picked up her speed with a giggle. The sound made Nicholas relax a little, even when she did not know or mean to she was able to calm him down.

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