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19th December 2009

It was finally the wedding day and it was chaos. Pansy and Linnea were fighting over the hairspray while Violet was running around trying to make sure everything was perfect, Emily was too busy crying her eyes out in one of the bathrooms with Peter outside the door trying to comfort her and no one was ready.

Indigo had slept the night before in the family home to keep traditions alive while Elena stayed at their shared home with her mother, aunt, and her two cousins. Violet wanted to pull her hair out, she wanted to scream at everyone in the house. She was glad that Indigo was calm although he was freaking out a month ago. He seemed to have gotten used to the idea of marriage and seemed to be the calmest in the household as he took a shower.

It was seven in the morning giving the family only three more hours to get dressed and get to the Holy Trinity church for the wedding that will start at ten in the morning. Violet couldn't wait for the wedding to end so she can travel with Nicholas.

Violet ran around the house trying to get everything in order. She handed the extra can of hairspray to Pansy, Violet had used it for her own hair that was in a half-up and half-down style. She handed the extra bathroom key to her father before moving towards Indigo's bedroom door and knocking.

"Yes!" Indigo called. He opened the door and pulled on his suit jacket. That is when Violet was hit with overwhelming emotions but she pushed them down.

"You look amazing" Violet whispered. She reached up to fix the white flowers in the pocket of his jacket. Elena and Indigo chose the colors of the wedding to be white and dark blue giving a warm feeling during the winter. They had to go through so many colors before they chose those colors.

"Thank you, you look amazing too" Violet chose to wear dark blue to keep the theme with the approval of Elena and Elena loaned her a pair of blue heels to match the dress.

"Thank you" Violet grinned looking down and fluffed her dress a little. It shimmered when hit by the sunlight. Both siblings looked at each other with glassy eyes not believing that a day like this was happening. Violet swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed back her tears imagining how quiet the house will be now that Indigo was officially moving out, there were no more excuses for forgetting his things here and coming to get them in the middle of the night only to sleep over, there was no more breaking up fights between the girls or holding back Pansy when she tries to join Violet and Nick's dates. Indigo was not going to help Linnea with her homework anymore. It felt like he was moving to a different continent not a fifteen minutes drive away.

"I heard that you won't be joining the reception anymore" Indigo grinned mischievously winking at Violet. Violet blushed knowing what he was hinting at. Nicholas was known for his romantic gestures, one time he tricked Violet on a trip on her birthday to Sweden where they stayed at her father's estate along with Anna and her family. His teasing eased the tension a little and broke Violet's train of thought.

"I've been stressed lately" Violet shrugged. Indigo smiled and patted Violet's shoulder. He passed by her and made his way down the stairs where the decorated car was waiting to take him to the church before the bride so he can welcome some of the guests. Violet took a deep breath and plastered a smile on her face before following after him. Their parents were going with Indigo to the church while Violet and her sisters were going to Elena and Indigo's house being part of the wedding party.

"Come on girls" Violet called to her sisters as she got into her car. For the first time, they did not fight over who sat in the front and Linnea gave up to Pansy without even a glance. Pansy was silent the entire drive, unlike her usual self. Pansy kept her eyes out of the window, it did not feel like a wedding but more like a funeral with everyone so silent and sad.

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