The Kid

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Dean was about two and a half hours into his six hour drive back home when he decided to pull over and grab a bite to eat. He saw an exit sign that seemed like it had some decent food options and headed into a town called Norfolk. It seemed to be a smaller town with not much open. He kept driving until he found a twenty-four hour diner. Honestly, he just needed some caffeine at this point, it was almost midnight and he wasn't even half way home yet.

He drove around the block and found some public parking, it seemed like a safe enough town, so he wasn't too worried about leaving his car out of view. He paid the parking meter and set out on a journey for coffee, and maybe a burger if he was lucky. He was almost to the diner when he heard something in the alley.

"Stop!", then a thud. "Ple-", another thud. After that, he couldn't make out any words, just yelling and banging. He stopped for a minute, contemplating what to do, he wasn't from around here, so he wasn't sure what to expect. He knew he couldn't just leave though. Before he even processed it, his feet were moving towards the noises. He saw three figures standing over another, by the time the next hit landed, he was only about ten feet away.

"Hey!" He yelled, gaining their attention. They turned around, now he was sure of what was going on, and he knew that he had the upper hand. He was almost six feet tall with a fairly muscular build, and the other three figures appeared to be much smaller, most-likely teenagers. "What the hell is going on over here?!", and with that they ran, leaving the other on the ground against the wall. He didn't want to startle whoever it was, so he stepped slowly, and spoke softly.

"Hey kid, you alright?" No response. "I promise I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to make sure you're okay." By the time he got up to the person, he could just barely see from the street light. It was a teenage boy, who couldn't have been older than fourteen. He was covered in blood, and he honestly wasn't sure he wasn't slipping in and out of consciousness. He quickly checked the kid's pulse, and breathing. Everything seemed okay.

"Alright, I'm not sure if you can hear me but... my name is Dean Winchester and I'm gonna help you to my car, I have a med kit there." He bent down and picked him up, after grabbing the small backpack he assumed was theirs. 'Wow, he's a lot lighter than I figured, maybe 95 tops...' he carried the kid back to his car and set him in the backseat, before getting his first aid box out of the trunk. With the kid laid in the back of the car, Dean began cleaning the open wounds on his face, as well as any others that were visible. He bandaged his arms, and put some steri-strips over the cuts on his face. Now all he had to do was wait. The kid wasn't totally unresponsive, so he hoped that he would wake up soon. Dean took off his jacket and threw it over the kid, it was winter after all, and all he had was a crewneck sweater, jeans, and a beanie.

After about half an hour of waiting, he heard a groan. He stayed quiet for a moment, not wanting to startle him. It didn't help seeing as he suddenly jumped up, eyes wide open staring at Dean. He was afraid that he would run, but the motion made him dizzy, he leaned forward, head to the back of the front seat groaning.

"Ok, so you're clearly scared right now...Well, uhmm, my name is Dean Winchester, I was passing through town and decided I would grab a bite to eat...but then I found you. I promise I'm not here to hurt you, if you haven't figured it out already. I brought you here to clean your wounds and let you come to." He said speaking softer than was probably necessary. "Now, before anything else, I need to make sure your head's okay....How's your vision, anything blurry?" He shook his head. "Ok good, Can you tell me your name, where we are, your age, and the date?" The kid slowly looked up.

"We're in Norfolk, I'm 13, and it's the twenty-third I think."

"Ok great, what about that name?"

"Oh, I uhh-". He lowered his head again.

"It's alright, take your time, I'm not goin anywhere."

"No I remember it, I just - I don't use it"

"Oh? Well, you don't have to tell me, but it would be helpful. It's all up to you though." The kid slowly sighed.

"Jessie, Jessie Kline..."

"Alright, that's not too bad. Why don't you use it?" They didn't respond.

"Ok, well I should probably get you home. What are you doing out so late anyways?" No response. "Jessie?" Nothing. "Hey, don't go back to sleep on me." He mumbled something back. "What was that?"

"I said I don't have one, sir"

"Oh.. We-"

"I'll leave you to whatever you were doing." Jessie cut him off.

"No wait, I can't let you just leave, let's go get something to eat."

"Sir, I really don't think they want me in there, I'm covered in blood and dirt, and I've been sleeping in their alley for three nights."

"Ok, well how about I go get something to-go and we can eat here, just don't be running off on me...and quit callin me sir, I'm not that old you ya know.", he chuckled while walking back up the block.

"Sorry..." Jessie whispered, leaning against the Impala.

J̶e̶s̶s̶i̶e̶ ̶K̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Jack WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now