Coming Out

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 After about twenty minutes, it was still silent, so Dean decided to try and start a conversation.

'Alright, let's see here. You already know about my boyfriend, Castiel... and my brother Sam... my mom and dad, well a bit anyways. Hm, well, I'm not exactly sure where to start..."

"Where do you work?", the kid interrupted, trying to cut the tension.

"Oh, well. I actually own the local garage, you know the one we passed on Main. I opened it up about five years ago actually. It was kinda a rough start up, but it's mine so."

"Is that why you have so many cars?"

"Yeah, sometimes I buy old ones off people who come in, not looking to spend more than they're worth, and fix 'em up myself."

"But, I thought that place was called 'Bobby's'?"

"Yea, it is. I named it after a guy named Bobby, he was kinda like an uncle to me and Sammy, that's where I learned everything I know about cars, he had a scrap lot back in Sioux Falls. He passed when I was about twenty- three."

"Oh.. I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it kid, he was at peace with it, so, eventually I was. I miss him, but he's better off now. Stage four Leukemia, caught it too late. He lived a good life though, I'm just thankful for the time I had with him. Sammy took it a lot harder than I did, he was only about nineteen"

"My mom died.", he cut in. Dean stayed silent, not sure where this was going to go. "She died when I was five, during the summer. I still don't know how, or why... my dad would never tell me. I just know that one day, when I was going to play in the garden, he stopped me, crying, and told me to go stay in my room until he told me otherwise. She died out there, it was her favorite place, she worked so hard on it, it's beautiful there. Was beautiful.. After she died, my dad let it grow back up, I tried to work on it the summer before I- uh left, but we got into a fight about it."

"Cas has a garden out back, I'm sure it's nowhere as nice as hers, but I'm sure he would let you help him with the upkeep and stuff if you wanted to.."


"Yea, between you and me, I think he needs a bit of help.", Dean chuckled. "I know how that is though, my mom died when I was four, like I said last night. It was Sammy's half birthday, six months. She was checking up on him because she heard crying... I guess someone snuck in during the night. When I woke up that morning, there were cop cars outside. No one ever found the guy that did it."


"See, not so different, you and I. How about you dad, what's he like?'" No response. 'Alright... maybe a bit on the nose.' "Well, my dad and I didn't really get along, when mom died, he got a bit cold ya know. We fought a lot. He and Sam fought a lot too, but mainly just over the little stuff, school and what not. He wanted us to follow in his footsteps, work for the CIA. That's not the life I wanted, and well, honestly I didn't want him to influence Sam's life. He chose to start working in a position that forced us to move around a lot, so we sold the house in Lawrence, and spent most of our childhood moving all around America. At first, it was kinda fun... but you can only stay in so many skeevy motels and eat so much gas station junk food you know. I kinda had to raise Sam, even when dad was around, he was never present. He was always drunk, or angry. Finally, when I was about sixteen, he told me to get out, so I did. I went and stayed with Bobby for a while, till Sam called and said he couldn't take it anymore. I came and got him, and we took off. We spent a summer, seeing whatever we wanted, doing whatever we wanted. It was great. Then, we went back to Bobby's so I could save up some cash to rent an apartment, and Sam actually went to highschool. When I was nineteen, I got a call. He got shot at work and was asking to see us. They said he probably wouldn't pull through, and he didn't, but before he died, he gave me the house, said it used to be my mom's parent's house, told me to keep Sammy safe, and handed me the keys to this car. Told me he was sorry for not being a better father to both of us, and sorry for not just accepting who I was, that he was proud of me, even if he wasn't the one who 'raised me right', he was proud I came up alright. When we got the chance, we spent a summer fixing the house up, and I worked at the dinner till I saved up to buy the auto shop." Dean finished.

"Yea, maybe not so different...", he started. "My dad, he uh- well his name is Luke, he was a nurse, until he got fired for being drunk at work after my mother died, then he started working at the local hardware store. He opened everyday, and closed a lot... I think he just didn't want to be home...but when he was home we fought a lot. I don't have any siblings or anything, so all the heat was on me. I - I uh tried to leave a few times, but everytime I did, he reported me missing, and I was returned a few days later. I didn't really have any good friends, so I never had anywhere to hide out. By last winter, things got really bad, and I remember him taking me to church every Sunday. It was nice, for those few hours a day, we were normal, or pretended to be. Eventually, I lost hope, I gave up trying to get him to like me, and finally, he threw me out... he didn't want me around because of who I was..."

"That's why you told me not to report you, huh?"

"Yea... I can't go back..", he said. That's when Dean realized he was crying.

"Well, don't worry about that. As long as I'm around, you'll never have to. Ok?, he slowly nodded in response.

"You wanna know why I got kicked out?"


"Well, firstly, I'm bi - hence the boyfriend. Secondly - " Dean pulled up his shirt, revealing his scars. "Well, I didn't have them yet, but that's the reason..." 'So... I was right, he thought. Dean does have top scars...'

"Are those..."

"Yep, top're lookin at what used to be Deanna Winchester. Got the surgery when I was twenty thanks to Bobby."

"Is that- uhm is that what you meant last night when you said you had an idea?", he asked before he could stop the words from coming out.

"Well, kinda.. I mean, it was just an assumption, I remember what it was like, notice how I quit using' your name.."



"Yea, that's why Luke threw me out too.."

"Well, my house has always been a bit of a refuge. I'm trans and bi. Cas got kicked out for denouncing his religion, and his brother got kicked out a few years ago for refusing to marry some girl his parents set him up with. We've also had two girls come and go for different reasons, but they live with Jody now, a family friend who's kinda known for 'takin in the strays', as Sam says, plus a few others who have come and gone. So, I think you'll be a perfect fit." 

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