Grocery Store

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Soon, they arrived at the grocery store. There was a local place in town, but Dean preferred to just go to 'Walmart'. It was reliable, as much as he loved the local stores and restaurants in town, you couldn't always expect that. Plus, he figured they would run into less people who would want to know who Jack was. After walking around the store for a while, grabbing what they needed for the week, plus movie snacks, they were pretty much done. Before they left, Dean decided to make a quick stop at the electronics. He told Jack he could go look at the 'POP!' figures, while he did something.

He told the clerk what he wanted and picked out some accessories. He got an 'Iphone XR', it wasn't the new one, but it would do. After getting it rung up, he added a clear case, screen protector, and a pair of better earbuds. He paid, then slid everything into the inside pocket of his jacket. When he was done, he found Jack looking at all the 'StarWars' merch. He seemed to like the Ahsoka figure.

"You want it?"Jack looked at Dean, tilting his head. "Toss it in the cart. It's like ten bucks." Eventually he did, and they followed Cas to the check out. When they were only the third cart from the front, Cas turned around, with an even more serious expression than on his face. He threw the keys to his car to Dean.

"Go wait in the car. Take Jack."

"What? Why?"Cas looked at the register then back to Dean.

"Go wait in the car Dean.", he said more gruffly.

"What? Did I do something?"

"No, just please, go to the car Dean. You did nothing. Please just listen to me."

"Okay." Dean dropped his head a bit and began walking away, grabbing Jack's hand, thinking that Cas was mad at him. Then, he caught a glimpse of the cause of Cas's concern. He pulled Jack to his other side, away from him. He thought he was clear until.

"Deanna!"Jack noticed Dean's flinch as he held the kid's hand tighter. "Don't ignore me Deanna, I know you miss me." Dean clenched his jaw and kept walking. There were only two people who had scared him all his life, his dad and him.

"Dean?", he could hear the steps behind him, then what sounded like Cas, but he couldn't make it out over his thoughts. Eventually, they made it to Cas's car. He started to get in, but Jack pulled him to the backseat. "Dean, are you okay?", he shook his head faintly, pulling his knees to his chest, his hands pulling at his hair, as his breath was picking up. Jack wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew Dean was upset. He wrapped his arms around Dean, trying to comfort him. He heavily resisted at first, but relaxed into it when he realized it was Jack. "Can I do anything?" He pointed at the driver's seat, that only response he got. Well, I guess it was time to get to know Castiel.

"Do you want me to go find him, or wait with you?"Dean thought for a second, he did want to be with Cas, but didn't want Jack anywhere near him. He shook his head, moving his hands from his hair, to Jack's arm.

"Ok.", they stayed like that for a few minutes, before Jack saw Castiel and opened the door.

"Castiel... uh Dean - he needs you."

"I know. Tell him I'll be there in just a second. We're just going to have to start ordering groceries online, I don't think I'm allowed back in the store." Jack realized what he was doing at this point. He had taken off his coat, and was currently using the bottom to wipe the blood off of him in the side mirror.

"Castiel are you-"

"I'll be fine. Get him to move over to the middle." Jack obliged, explaining to Dean that Cas was back, speaking softly asking him to move over. Moments later, Cas was opening the door.

J̶e̶s̶s̶i̶e̶ ̶K̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Jack WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now