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 Jack suddenly rolled on to his side, groaning.

"Jack? You alright? What's going on?"

"It just got worse. Like a lot worse."

"Ok, it's okay... the doctor's gonna be back in just a second." Jack just groaned in response, curling up more. Moments later, the doctor came in.

"He said it's worse now."

"Yes... Well his white blood cell levels are higher than they should be... I do think that he is anemic, but hormones seem to be normal."

"Okay, so do you know what it might be?"

"I'm actually leaning towards appendicitis... Jack, can you lay on your back for me?" Jack rolled over to his back, squeezing his eyes shut. "Okay, I need you to tell me if this makes it worse." The doctor began pressing on his stomach, near his belly button.

"Yea, a lot." He grunted.

"Ok, and he's been vomiting. How much?"

"Uhm... quite a bit this morning, he hasn't eaten much though so..."

"How long has he not been eating well?"

"A few days, but he isn't used to being fed multiple times a day."

"Alright, I'm going to actually order a CT scan... We don't have any scheduled, so I should be able to have him in soon."

"Okay." The doctor quickly walked out to get the CT scan figured out.

"What's a CT scan like?"

"Well, they're gonna have you change into a hospital gown, then they'll most likely take you on a bed to a different room. Then, you'll lay on this table in a big machine that will scan your body, basically taking a big x-ray. When you're in there, you'll have to be really still so the pictures don't blur."

"How long will it take?"

"At most like thirty minutes, but probably just fifteen."

"Why aren't they doing an ultrasound?"

"Probably because of the sensitivity. They didn't have a CT scan available when I had it so we just did an ultrasound."

"Oh? I have to go alone?"

"Yea, but Dr. Redfield is really nice. Nothing bad is gonna happen I promise."

"Okay..." Soon enough, the doctor was back.

"Alrighty, CT is open. You can change into this, dad and I will step out for a moment while you change." He said, handing Jack a gown and walking into the hall with Dean.

"You think it's appendicitis? I thought you were supposed to have a fever?"

"Not always, it is common among the majority, but there are cases that the patient never had a fever."

"Oh..." They waiting for another minute or two, before the doctor nodded his head to the door. "You changed kiddo?"

"Yeah." They walked back in, and Dean stood next to Jack, placing his hand over his.

"Okay, I'll have a few nurses come to wheel you to the testing room momentarily, Mr. Winchester I will have to ask you to wait here." Dean nodded as the doctor left. Jack just looked up to Dean.

"Sorry kiddo, I would go with you if I could. It's gonna be okay, just relax as much as you can. I'll be right here when you get back." The nurses came and took him away. While he was gone, he decided to give Cas a call and let him know what was going on.

J̶e̶s̶s̶i̶e̶ ̶K̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Jack WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now