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Cas walked in, staying very calm. Jack followed, locking the door behind him. Cas sat on the edge of Dean's side of the bed and motioned for Jack to go sit on the other side.


"Jack's here too."

"I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep - see if it will help."

"Dean, please stop lying to me. I'm not mad at you, but I know you've never gotten a migraine."

"Cas. You sound crazy, just let me take a nap."

"Dean, if you really had a migraine-' he opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out the pills that Dean didn't take. "You would've taken these."

"Cas I - "

"I'm not mad, please just talk. Say whatever you need to. Get it out so you can feel better. I know you, I know this is what has always worked, please just talk to me." Dean said nothing. "We'll wait, it's okay." After a while, he finally sat up.

"Fine. I feel awful. Every time I think about it I want to rip my own ears off to get the thoughts to stop. I can still hear him, all the time. It's worse when I see him. I can't do it anymore. It makes me feel like I went through everything for nothing. I'm dysphoric, I'm anxious all the time, and I can't think. Then, you don't yell at me or hit me. You're so nice, I - I don't get it. I fuck up and you don't do anything other than talk to me. I'm super thankful for that... but right now it feels wrong. I feel like I'm just waiting for it. I feel like I need the pain - and you took that from me. You don't trust me. Then I yelled at Jack - and I sounded just like John. I just can't do it anymore. I wish I was dead."

"Dean, I do trust you - I just want you to be safe.", he said, wiping the tears from Dean's face. "I love you. That's the difference between him and I. I know that sometimes it's hard to remember that it's not your life anymore. I'm never going to take my anger out in that way. You screwed up dinner - because you were spiraling - and that's okay. It's not a big deal. I'm nice to you because I love you. I know sometimes you say things you don't mean, or snap and that's okay. Sometimes it's hard to think before you say stuff. You are nothing like John either, I know that's a fear that you have... but that's not you. You are a sweet, kind, caring, amazing man, with a beautiful soul. I took your blade the last time I found out without telling you. I just don't want you hurt ok?"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay."

"Jack, I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I really wasn't thinking."

"It's okay. I understand."Jack hugged him tightly. "You kinda had a point anyway."

"No, I didn't. That was really fucked up of me to say.."

"Maybe, but it's in the past. Don't worry about it."

"Do you feel better now?" Cas asked.

"Some. I actually do think I need a nap now though."

"Ok, we'll leave you to sleep."

"Can you guys actually stay?" He asked, scooting over to give Cas space. Sure it was a bit crowded, but Dean loved having them around.

"Sure." Jack said as Cas nodded, pulling the blankets up, allowing Dean to get comfortable first. They all ended up falling asleep, Cas holding Dean, and Dean with an arm around Jack. They all slept until the dogs started barking. Sam was home. They all made their way down the stairs, still groggy.

"Damn. What happened to you guys?" Sam asked. Castiel shook his head, hinting for him to drop it. Then, nodded his head to Jack, who was standing behind Dean.

J̶e̶s̶s̶i̶e̶ ̶K̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Jack WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now