New Hair and a New Meeting

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After Dean finished his spiel, he suggested that they both go to bed. It was a Friday night, so Dean only had to work if he got an urgent call, and the same went for Cas. He promised Jack a proper tour tomorrow, and to make up for the missed movie night. He woke up at nine the next morning. When he got dressed, he grabbed his phone to see if Cas had texted him back from the night before. He had sent a text at 8:15.

"Dean. I am heading home now. I should be home before 10. I'm off today. If he is okay with it, I would like to meet Jack. Maybe we could all go to the diner for a late breakfast. Let me know." 'Well, I'll see but I don't know...'

"Mornin' Cas. I'll check with Jack here in a minute and let ya know. We kinda had a rough day yesterday so he may not be up for it.", he pressed send and walked across the hall to Jack's room.

"Jack, you up?", he asked, knocking on the door. Jack didn't respond, so he walked in. He was still dead asleep, Dean shook him softly. "Jack? Wake up kiddo. I gotta talk to you.", Jack shot up, panicked.

"What - I - oh Dean, what's going on?"

"Sorry kid, didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay, I'm just not used to this."

"Ok, well... Cas texted this morning. He's on his way home, he'll be here in a bit over half an hour. He was wondering if we could all go out for a late breakfast, let him meet you. It's totally okay if you aren't ready today though."

"No, it's okay. I think it will be fine. So far everyone you like has been nice to me... Maybe he could watch movies with us tonight too."

"Alright, I'll let him know. Go ahead and get ready, if we have time I'll give you a tour."

"Two more things... Did you tell him, you know?"

"Nope, it's not my place to do that, if you want to - or want me too that's great but 'till then, I don't see the need. What's the other thing?"

"Can I borrow some scissors?"

"Why?", Dean asked, thinking of the scars on the boys arm. Jack pulled off his beanie in response. 'Still... I don't know...'

"Can I help? Ya know I cut Sammy's for years, and my own. I haven't gone to a barber since I was like twelve."

"Yea, I don't really know what I'm doing so."

"Well here," Dean said, handing him his phone, "I'm gonna go feed the dogs and grab the scissors, you look up some inspiration pictures and you can show me when I get back, I'll also grab my razor just in case." Jack looked through the pictures until Dean returned, finding a few he liked. "Did you find any?", he asked.

"Yea, something like this I think. Do you like it?" Jack showed him the phone.

"I think that will look great, c'mon", Jack followed Dean to the bathroom.

"Can I chop it off first?"

"Yea, just don't go too short, I need some length to work with." Dean handed Jack the scissors. Jack chopped at his hair, cutting it until it was all only a few inches long. He looked back to Dean, smiling.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." After a while of cutting and shaving, he was done. It was shorter on the sides, with a bit of extra length that fell over his forehead.

"So, what do you think?" Jack simply responded with a hug.


"Well, there's Cas, you get changed and meet us downstairs, the tour will have to wait."


"Hey babe, how was the drive?" Dean asked, greeting his boyfriend with a hug.

"It wasn't awful. You never told me what Jack said."

"My bad, we got a bit side-tracked, he'll be down in just a sec."

"Ok great. I'm starving."

"Me too." Dean smiled, pecking Cas on the lips. "He should be ready by now, he might be a bit nervous, let me go check on him." Dean made his way back up the stairs, where he saw Jack standing at the railing of the stairs. "Hey kiddo."


"You sure you're okay with this?"

"Yea... I just - I didn't want to go alone. I'm sorry.."

"No worries, Cas is great. Either way, you get uncomfortable let me know and I'll pull you out ok? You don't even have to say anything, just squeeze my arm twice."

"Ok.. Can you go first..?"

"Of course, let's go."

"Cas, this is Jack.", he was standing almost against Dean at his side. Dean put an arm around his shoulder, pushing him forwards just a bit. Cas sensed his nerves, and knelt down a bit to seem less intimidating.

"Hi Jack, I'm Castiel - Dean's boyfriend as I'm sure you've heard."


"Would you like to go get some breakfast?" Jack nodded. "Okay let's go then. Dean, you're driving."

"Yes sir." They started walking out, Dean stopped in his tracks. "Jack, forgetting something?"

"Oh, sorry." Jacked grabbed his jacket off the rack.

"Now we're good, let's go." The drive there was an awkward silence. Luckily the diner was only about ten minutes away. When they got there, they were taken to a booth by the window. Cas sat on one side, while Dean and Jack sat on the other with Jack on the inside. Jack asked for Dean's advice on what he should get. Soon, they were greeted by a waiter.

"Hi Dean, Cas, what can I getcha?"

"The usual", they replied in unison.

"And for your friend here?" Jack just looked to Dean.

"He wants the same, thanks Kev."

"No problem, I'll have it out soon.", Kevin said, walking away.

"It's okay kiddo, you're doin great." Eventually their food came and Dean and Cas's conversation properly began. Dean hoped Jack would just join in. 

J̶e̶s̶s̶i̶e̶ ̶K̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Jack WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now