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Cas arrived back at the house with three pizzas. When he walked in, Dean was asleep on the couch, leaning on Jack who was engrossed in the 'Roadrunner' cartoon.

"I'm back." He said, waking up Dean and pulling Jack's attention. "I have a meat lovers, cheese, and uh - a hawaiian."


"Yes. That's what Jack said in your text." Dean turned his head to Jack, who's attention was already lost again.

"Well, okay then."

"I don't understand. Where does the coyote get all of the money for his traps? And how is he not dead?" Jack turned to Dean, tilting his head. He just looked to Cas, who was staring at Jack with the same head tilt. He laughed to himself for a minute, thinking of a reply.

"I dunno, it's just cartoon logic I guess."

"He does raise a good point though, I've never understood it." Cas added.

"Have you never seen it?"

"No, I wasn't allowed to watch TV much. My dad always kept the same few movies running and that was it."

"What movies?"

"He only used the VHS player. We mainly watched 'Wizard of Oz', 'Avatar', and 'Titanic'. Sometimes, if he got bored of them, he would let me watch the 'Star Wars' ones we had. And a friend showed me 'Clone Wars'."

"Well, we have a lot to catch you up on then. Good thing it's movie night."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yea, need something to distract me anyway. You wanna watch them downstairs or in the 'Dean Cave'?"

"Up here."

"Alright. I say we all go change, then we'll set up and pick out some movies." They all headed to their rooms.

"Dean, are you sure that you're okay?"

"Honestly? No, but I will be. You know how it is... it just takes a minute to get back to normal."

"I know. I'm just worried about you...last time you-"

"I know."

"I just - I don't want you to-"

"I know."

"If you're think-"

"Jesus Cas, I get it ok." Dean half-yelled before storming out. Cas sighed softly and sat on the edge of the bed. And 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... There was a soft knock followed by Dean's voice, softer this time. "I'm sorry..."

"I know."

"I didn't mean to yell, I just I'm - I don't even know."

"I know. It's okay. I get it, it's a lot." Dean took a few more steps into his room. "Come on." Cas offered his arms. Dean immediately took his offer, still whispering apologies. "It's fine baby, I know you didn't mean anything by it. I should've dropped it. I'm sorry. I just - you know I love you and it hurts seeing you like this, but that's why I'm here."

"I love you too. I'm sorry I don't say it enough, and I'm sorry for running out."

"I understand Dean. Everything's gonna be fine. No one's mad at you. Now here, get changed and we'll head downstairs. Jack is probably waiting. He handed Dean a pair of 'Scooby-Doo' Pajama bottoms and one of his hoodies.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being here." Cas kissed his cheek then pulled on his own top.

"Always." They finished changing, and walked downstairs where Jack was waiting. He gave a silent wave and followed them into the room. They brought the pizzas in, and Dean grabbed some sodas from the minifridge.

"Alright, I'm thinking we all pick out a few movies and just cycle through them until we get tired."

"You can pick for me, I don't care." Cas said, honestly just wanting to spend time with his boyfriend.

"Yea. Other than 'Star Wars', I don't really know any. What if we just watch your favorites? That way I can see the good ones."

"I mean that works for me.", he chuckled while sitting down in the middle of the couch. "We could watch one of the 'Star Wars' ones first though."


"Which is your favorite?"

"The Phantom Menace."

"Sounds great." Dean quickly pulled the movie up and hit play. Honestly, Dean had no interest in 'Star Wars' he didn't really understand it, but Jack loved it. You could tell he had seen the movie several times just based on his expression. Still, he was just enjoying seeing him so happy. After that movie ended, Dean put on 'Lord of the Rings' next, figuring both of the other two would enjoy it. Throughout the movie, Cas became fairly engrossed, and didn't even realize when he was cuddled up to Dean. When that movie was over, he bent down to get the remote from the table, causing a grumble from Cas. "Babe, I gotta change the movie. Get up for a second."

"Fine, but if I fall asleep you can't get mad. That was a long, very confusing movie."

"Yea yea, I'll even carry you up to bed."


"Now Jack, this one is a classic." " Dean pressed play on 'It'. Cas fell asleep before Georgie even went outside. Dean felt Jack jump when Pennywise pulled him into the drain. As the movie went on, Jack got closer to Dean, jumping every so often. He didn't think anything of it, he figured it was just like the excited-scared. That was until he felt him shaking.

"You okay kiddo?" Jack looked up to Dean, who saw the tears threatening his eyes. "Jack?" 'I'm an idiot'

"I don't think I like this one." Dean had already paused it.

"I can turn it off if you want?" Jack nodded.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. It's my fault, I should've thought about it. My twenty-two year old brother is scared of this one. How about you let me take Cas upstairs and then we'll watch another 'Star Wars' movie?"

"Okay." Dean slowly stood up and picked up Cas, he struggled a bit but eventually he got him upstairs. When he turned around, Jack was waiting by the door.

"Geez kid, you scared me."

"Sorry, I didn't want to be alone."

"It's okay. Let's go watch 'Star Wars'." Half-way through the second movie, they were both half asleep. Dean pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and put it over the boy, who leaned into Dean as a response. He eventually fell all the way asleep. He slid his arms under him, and carried him up to his room. Jack stirred a bit before rolling to his side, mumbling, before balling up under his blanket. Dean figured he was good to go to bed himself now, but when he turned to leave, he felt a weak hand on his arm.

"You okay?"

"Can you stay in here for a little longer? It's okay if not... Sorry I'm being annoying."

"Of course I can. Scoot over - and you're not being annoying, this is my fault I didn't think. It's okay." Jack moved over, giving Dean space to lay down with him. He turned on his side, facing Dean and pulled his legs up. Laying his forehead against Dean's side. Noticing this, Dean opened his arms. "Come on. Get comfy - I don't mind." Jack nuzzled into Dean's side, as he wrapped an arm around him.

"Thank you."

"Oh come on, you put up with me today. Not to mention I did this...Don't thank me."

"M'kay. I just really...", he trailed off, falling asleep.

J̶e̶s̶s̶i̶e̶ ̶K̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Jack WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now