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 When they arrived home, Dean carried Jack into his room. As he laid him down, he woke up enough to speak.

"Dean?" He mumbled.

"Yeah. We're home now, you can go back to sleep. You did really good today kiddo."

"Are you gonna stay with me?"

"Well, Cas should be right behind us, I'm gonna go talk to him for a few minutes, then I'll be back."

"M'kay." Dean walked out, shutting the door quietly and waited downstairs for Cas. About fifteen minutes later, his car pulled into the driveway. When he got inside, Dean immediately met him with a hug.

"How's he doing?" Cas asked, resting his chin on Dean's shoulder.

"Good, I think... Did you get his medicine?"

"Yeah..." Cas pulled the bottles out of the bag. "He gets these once in the morning and once at night with food, and these he can take every six hours as needed. The pharmacist said to wait until he complains about pain to start them."


"They also gave me this stuff at the hospital to change his dressing daily or as needed."


"Are you going to be able to stay home with him until he feels better? I can try and get off for a few days, but you know how that usually goes."

"I think so. I should be able to."

"I just can't believe he wanted me in there."

"Yeah... When I mentioned you were in the waiting room, he asked if you could come back. I was pretty surprised... And he even talked to you without being prompted to."

"To be fair, he was pretty high..."

"Yeah...maybe he's warming up to you though."

"I hope so. Well, you should probably get back to him, I have to go back into work for a little while to finish up some reports. I may be home a little late, but I'll text you to let you know."

"Okay, see you tonight." Cas pulled Dean into a kiss and said his goodbyes, and then he was gone. Dean stopped by the kitchen and got a drink for Jack. When he got back, Jack was waiting patiently. As soon as the door opened, he reached out his arms. "Alright, alright. I'm comin'." Dean put everything on the counter before getting comfortable on the other side of the bed. Jack moved into Dean's side before groaning. "Yea, be careful moving around like that. You might want to just lay flat or sit up for a while... here, we'll do it this way." Dean sat up, putting his back to the headboard and patting his chest. Jack slowly moved to lay between his legs, leaning into his chest.

"Do you wanna watch some movies?


"What do you wanna watch?" Dean asked, grabbing the remote.

"Can we watch one on Disney+? I like those ones."

"Yeah. Here, pick one out." Dean said, handing him the remote. Jack scrolled through the movies for a while, before landing on 'Lilo and Stich". Eventually, they both fell asleep tired from the long day. Dean woke back up later around seven. He carefully woke Jack up.

"Jack.. We gotta get you some food so you can take your antibiotics." He woke up, groaning in pain. "You okay kid?"

"No... It hurts a lot."

"Okay, here, go ahead and take this." Dean said, handing him the bottled water and a pill. Jack took the pill and laid back down. "Okay, what do you feel like you can eat?"

"I dunno.."

"Do you want me to pick up something from town, or eat here?"

"I don't want to be alone."

"I can call Charlie and see if she can bring something up here."


After about half an hour, Charlie arrived with the food. When he got to the door, he explained everything to her. She wished them luck and left. Dean and Jack both ate and fell back asleep watching movies. The days continued on like that until Jack was finally fully recovered, meaning Dean could return to work. The night before, Jack realized it would just be him and Sam again...

J̶e̶s̶s̶i̶e̶ ̶K̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Jack WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now