The Drive-In

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 Eventually, they made it to the next town over with about an hour to spare before the gates to the drive-in opened.

"Alright... Burgers?"

"I'm not going into a restaurant like this." Cas replied.

"Yeah, and either way, all you got was junk food. We need to get something a little healthier for dinner or we're all gonna feel awful later."

"Cas, you're being lame. Sam, not everyone lives off of rabbit food."

"Can we not just got through a drive-thru?" Cas asked.

"All the ones around here are super unhealthy." Sam argued. This caused a full fledged argument between the three men, Dean just wanting to go eat, Cas not wanting to go in, and Sam demanding somewhere with a healthy option. The arguing continued for a few minutes, mainly between Cas and Sam towards the end. As the argument drew on longer and became louder, Dean could feel Jack's heart start beating faster. He pulled Jack in closer before trying to speak. At first, he was ignored.

"Sorry kiddo." He whispered to Jack, before covering his ears. "Alright! Both of y'all shut it!" The other two men immediately shut up when they saw his expression.

"Sorry.." They mumbled in unison.

"We'll go to that old burger joint like two blocks down. Sam, you like the salad. Cas, you don't have to go in. I'll go in and order to go. We can go eat at the park somewhere without a lot of people. Good? Good."


"Do you want me to just go park while we wait on you?" Cas asked.

"Yeah. It shouldn't take too long." When they got there, Sam got out to let Dean and Jack out. The two made their way into the diner and Dean placed the order, before pulling Jack to the bench.

"I'm sorry about the arguing. You alright?" Jack just nodded and leaned into Dean. "You not talking tonight?" He shrugged as a response. "That's okay. You know they weren't actually mad at each other right? Just stubborn." He just nodded silently. "You just don't like the yelling, huh?" Once again, he received nothing but a nod. "Yea, I get it. Maybe we should get you some better headphones... just in case." Jack just shrugged. Soon enough, their order number was called, they grabbed the food and went back to the truck. When they got there, Sam scooted to the middle and let them in before Cas drove off.

When they arrived at the park, they found a picnic table towards the edge with no one around so Cas would actually get out.

"I still don't get what the big deal is. Who cares?"

"Dean, I am almost thirty years-old. I look ridiculous."

"You always look ridiculous 'Inspector Gadget'." Dean responded, clearly proud of his insult, as Sam chuckled. Cas and Jack both tilted their heads in confusion.

"Who is that?" Dean sighed in response.

"This is what I get for picking someone from basically a religious cult."

"Hey! I didn't have a choice in that matter."

"I know, I know. I'm just messing with you babe." Cas just gave a sarcastic smile and handed everyone their food. They all started eating with the execution of Jack, who was just staring at the table.

"You not eating?" Sam asked, shoving another bite of salad into his mouth. Jack flinched slightly, leaning into Dean more. He wrapped an arm around him, trying to make him more comfortable. Jack responded by laying his head in his lap and pulling his knees to his chest. Dean just gave Sam a quick glare before leaning down, whispering into the boy's ear.

"You alright? You wanna just go home? I was kinda worried this would be too much." Jack shook his head and nuzzled back into Dean's leg. "Okay. Just remember two squeezes and we'll head home." They all finished their food with just a few minutes to spare. They were one of the first people at the gates, meaning they would get the best spot. When they got there, Cas backed in they grabbed the portable radio. Once they all got out, they fixed the back. Dean and Jack got in first. Jack took the spot on the very end, Dean right next to him. Cas joined, crawling in next to Dean, and finally Sam, who sat with his back to the side towards the tailgate.

"What are we watching?" Cas asked.

"The Goonies'. It's a classic. You'll love it."

"Okay... Are we staying for the second?"

"I'm not sure yet. If we do, it's 'The Breakfast Club'."

"Okay." The conversation with the three men picked up as they talked about their days and what was going on in their lives. Soon, Sam began ranting about school and one of his professors, getting a little loud for Jack's comfort. Weirdly, he wanted to move between Cas and Dean, he liked Cas now. He saw how calm he typically was other than when Sam started an argument. He tapped Dean's shoulder, but he just laid his hand over Jack's thigh, assuming he just wanted to be closer. He tried again, and Dean turned around this time.

"You alright?" Jack shrugged and pointed between him and Cas. "You wanna sit over there?" He nodded. Dean pulled him into his lap, before scooting over to where he was and let him get between them. Cas looked at Dean with a confused look, he just shrugged. Sam didn't even notice as he continued rambling. Jack slowly leaned into Cas who didn't respond, totally oblivious to it. He frowned before scooting back over more towards Dean. As he did, Cas realized what happened, he slowly lifted his arm and allowed Jack to slide under it. When Dean looked over, he saw Jack with his head resting on Cas's chest, who was smiling slightly, happy that the boy finally trusted him.

As the movie started, Sam finally shut up and Dean slid over. Even though Jack still didn't trust Sam, he was happy. He laid between Cas and Dean, loving every minute of it. Half way through the movie, Jack tapped Cas's shoulder and looked up to him with puppy-dog eyes. Unsure of what to do, he looked to Dean.

"He wants to sit against your chest. Like you do when I'm playing video games." Dean whispered. Cas looked back to Jack who nodded. Cas straightened his legs out and allowed Jack to move between them. When he was comfortable, laying against his chest, Dean moved over, rest his head on Cas's shoulder. Jack felt like he belonged there. He felt loved, like he had a real family. By the time the credits began rolling, both Dean and Jack had fallen asleep on him. Sam turned around to announce that he was going to go get another drink from the cooler, but paused when he saw what was behind him.

"What happened back here?"

"I'm not sure. They're both asleep."

"Should we get them up and leave?"

"Probably. Dean has to work tomorrow so..." Cas slowly Dean, who just groaned in response. "You gotta get up love, we're going home." Eventually, Dean got up and started to wake up Jack.

"C'mon. You can go back to sleep in the car." Jack mumbled something incoherent and nuzzled back into Cas. "I think he likes you... You may have to get him up."

"If one of you will drive, I'll just carry him to the truck." Sam nodded, hoping in the driver's seat, followed by Dean, joining him in the middle. Cas slowly slid an arm under Jack's knees and the other around his back and climbed off of the truck, struggling a little. Finally, they all settled in and made their way home.

When they got home, Jack woke up to Dean knocking at his door and walking in.

"Hey kiddo. Did you have a good night?"


"Sorry it didn't really work with Sam."

"It's okay."

"You seem to be okay with Cas now though."

"Yeah... He's usually calm. I like that."

"Yeah. He is. I think he's happy you trust him now."


"Yeah... Well, I think you should get some real rest. I need to as well. Goodnight... don't forget to take off your binder."

"Okay. Goodnight." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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