Two ꨄ

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                                  Alana K.

My loud groans fill my room as I pry my head off the pillow. The sheer thought of heading to work this early has completely ruined my whole day before I have even gotten out of bed. But thankfully I get off early, I have to be at Finneas's place by 4 to keep Billie company while he works. Billie is the only way my day will end on a happy note.

I've been her designated co-caregiver since we became friends freshman year of high school. I actually met her brother, Finneas, first. We met at the diner I work at a few blocks away from my house, I have been helping out there for as long as I can remember. My grandfather was the owner. When he passed he sorta put me in charge but I quickly found someone else to manage. I couldn't take the responsibilities that came with being in charge.

Finally feeling decent enough to leave my bed, I slither out from under my warm comforter and my feet hit the cold floor immediately waking me up completely. Quickly I get on my knees to feel around for my slippers somewhere underneath the bed. I slip them on and head to bathroom to do my usual morning regimen. Brushing my teeth, washing my face, brushing out my short green and brown hair; the usual.

I put on a long sleeve cropped olive green shirt and some flared legged high waisted black jeans. Paired that with some black docs and a black leather over the shoulder bag, got my keys and things and walked out of the house. I'll just grab a muffin or something at the diner.


After a very long 8 hour shift, when the clock strikes 4 o'clock I clock out and haul ass out of there with my three platters of food. I didn't even bother to say goodbye to anyone. Once I'm in my car I let out a large sigh, feeling relief wash over me. I am so happy my shift is over, it felt like the day was dragging. Pulling out of the lot, I start making my way to Finneas's place.

My phone connects to the bluetooth in my car, it's rings loudly scaring the shit out of me. I turn down the volume and accept the call, "hello?"

"Hey, please tell me you're almost here. Billie won't stop crying because she wants you" Finneas whines.

"Yeah I'm almost there, just distract her with her stuffies. I'll be there in 10" I say.

"Okay please hurry" he huffs.

"Yeah yeah" I hang up and focus on the road, taking the quickest way I could.

I arrive at the house, parking my royal blue honda civic in the driveway. I grab my bag and food before turning off the car taking the key out of the ignition and getting out. I shut the door, making sure to lock the car before I make my way to the front door. I use my key and step right in, leaving my shoes by the door.

I leave the food in the kitchen before heading upstairs to Billie's room, her cries echoing down the hallway. When I open the door and our eyes meet, she lights up like a christmas tree. She gets off of her bed and runs to me. I scoop her up and she wraps her arms around me.

"Hi bumblebee" I sigh contentedly, taking in her warm vanilla scent. "Why the tears, angel?"

"Mi-missed momma" she croaks, my shirt soaking up the tears rolling down her face and her wet hair that has fallen out of a towel.

"I missed you too, don't cry angel. I'm here, momma's here" I walk over to her bed and sit with her now in my lap.

"I have to go, but I'll see you later Bil" Finneas says kissing the crown of her head.

"Bye bye Finnus'" she says.

"Here, sweet girl" I hum putting her pacifier to her lips.

"See you later, Lana" Finneas waves.

"Bye" I say and he leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

Billie calms down, relaxing more in my arms. "You hungry Bil?" She shakes her head, "You sure? I brought you food from the diner, it's your favorite."

Her eyes widen as she gasps softly, "Brocci' cheese soup?"

"Yup" I chuckle lightly, "let's go heat it up."

For some reason this silly girl loves broccoli and cheese soup, it's so bad and smells even worse than it tastes. But she just can't get enough of it. I also brought her a blueberry muffin because she loves those too, well she likes the chocolate chips ones more but I don't like giving her chocolate and other things that are really sweet.

I wouldn't say I'm strict with her eating habits I'm just cautious because sweets sometimes make her feel sick or way too hyper which never ends well either.

I set the small blonde girl on the counter while her food heats up in the microwave. "How was your day with Finneas?" I ask standing in-front her to make sure she doesn't fall.

"Is otay, just missed mommy. But he got me a new stuffy yesterday! Tan I show you?" She grins widely.

"Of course you can show me!" I set her down on the floor and her little feet slaps against the floor as she rushes back to her room.

Once the microwave stops I stir up the soup and touch the spoon with my finger to see how hot it is.

"Ow fuck" I whisper shout, didn't mean to make her soup that hot. I set in the freezer for a few minutes to cool off some.

Chucking the spoon in the sink, I grab one of Billie's sippy cups from the dish rack rinsing it off and I fill it with apple juice. Billie comes back into the room with the same big smile she left with holding up a lime green Carebear with a four leaf clover on its belly.

"How cute! What's his name?" I exclaim.

"Him name Lucky, he soft see?" She says taking my hand making me pet her stuffy.

"He is very soft, I bet he gives great cuddles too."

"Yes but not better than mommy" she says.

"You give good cuddles too lovebug" I tap her nose lightly making her giggle. I love this silly girl.

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