Five ꨄ

249 13 9

Billie O.

"Bil, ready to eat yet?" Alana asks leaning over the counter.

I'm still little and I don't want the girl beside me to hear my baby talk so I just nod.

"Everything okay?" She asks her voice laced with concern.

"Yes Lani" I mumble hoping she'll take the hint that I don't wanna talk.

She just goes to the kitchen to get me food, she comes back a few minutes later with mac and cheese,  chicken nuggets and my sippy cup filled with what looks like apple juice.

My heart thrums in my chest, what if the girl sees?! Quickly I grab it, sitting it on the empty seat to the right of me. Silently I eat my food, occasionally turning my back to the girl to sip from my cup.

After some time goes by I feel a tap on my shoulder, "before I leave can I know your name cutie?"

My eyes can't help but scan over her entire appearance, she a lot taller than me. Her hair stops at her shoulders and it looks so soft. She is in light gray sweatpants with a plain white t-shirt and white sneakers which is casual but then I notice the way her jacket is resting on one of her shoulders. I don't now why but it's makes her look so clean cut and professional even though she's in sweats. I take in to account her very nice masculine hands covered in minimalist gold rings.

"Are you okay?" She speaks again.

"O-Oh sow-" I clear my throat, "s-sorry I'm Billie."

"Well Billie it's nice to meet you, I'm Fae and this is my sister Claudia" she says gesturing to the girl beside her.

It's very easy to tell they are related they have the same nice eyes and soft looking brown hair. I wave shyly as Claudia and she looks like she melted.

"You are so adorable! I'm sorry if that's weird, you just looks so young and cute I wanna hug you and never let you go." Claudia rambles making me giggle softly.

"Claud calm down before you scare the poor girl. I'm gonna get this one out of here before she starts pinching your cheeks next. Bye Billie" Fae smiles.

"Bye" I mumble so quietly I doubt she heard me.

"What was that all about?" Alana asks as she comes up to me.

"Dey just bein' nice" I shrug.

"Yeah well I don't really like strangers talking to you" Alana sighs. "Did they tell your their names baby?"

"Mhm dem name is Fae and Cwauda" I say matter of factly.

"Fae and Claudia? I've never seen Claudia but Fae definitely looked familiar." Alana takes out her phone tapping away at the screen until she gasps, making my eyes go wide with fear.

"Oh sorry bee, I didn't mean to scare you. That girl Fae is Fae Avara the famous actress and model!" Lani squeals. "But I wonder who that girl was that she was with?"

"That's her sissy, Lani" I say.

"I didn't know she had a sister. I've only ever seen her with her horrible father and her mother."

"I see picture?"

She hands me her phone and I scroll through the picture of Fae from photo shoots and movie scenes. My tummy starts to feel funny and my face gets hot.

"Aww bee do you have a little crush?" Lani coos.

"No no no" I whine, not liking her teasing.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. Let's get you home."

"Stay wif you tonite?" I stick out my bottom lip knowing she won't say no if I do that.

"You are lucky I don't work until late tomorrow. Come on sweetie, put your crayons away while I grab our jackets." Lani says.

                                        Fae A.

As we walk out of the diner I can't help but take into account almost permanent smile on my face. Claudia noticed as well and proceeds to tease me for it when we get into her car.

"Is someone smitten over the adorable girl at the diner?" Claudia laughs.

"Oh shut up. She was cute, she did look a little young though. Did you notice her child-like behavior?" I ask looking straight ahead as Claudia pulls off.

"Yeah, maybe she's on the spectrum or just really innocent. Whatever her deal is she was precious, why? See something you might like?" I see her smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"I don't know. I have to admit I'm curious about her but I wouldn't even know how to go about trying to talk to her" I sigh, man spreading in my seat.

"You act like you've never been in a relationship before" she chuckles.

I just sit there playing with my fingers hoping the awkward silence gives her an answer.

"Shut up! You've never been with anyone before?!" She gasps.

"Try not to act so shocked" I mumble.

"I am shocked! You're gorgeous and I could've sworn you were dating one of your costars for the movie you were in a few months ago. What was her name?"

"Angela, and no we were not dating for real. That was just a publicity stunt mom and dad thought I should do because the public was wondering about my sexuality and why I haven't been with anyone."

"They made you pretend to date someone? Just when I think they can't get any worse" she sucks her teeth.

"It doesn't matter, I had to announce that Angela and I had split up after the paparazzi caught her in Puerto Rico making out with some guy in a jacuzzi."

Problem is I actually did have a small crush on Angela before I had really got to know her. She was snobby and stuck up, only ever thought about herself. Which isn't a problem, it's good to be confident and focused but if I'm being honest she was a bit of a bitch. I hate calling women that but it's the only word that feels right. When my parents decided that we should pretend to date it took a lot of convincing on my end, Angela was all in though. She wasn't as "big" as I was then and that girl was willing to get noticed any way she could.

The first day of our "relationship" my parents decided that we should go out to a club so people could see us having fun together and letting loose. Angela got drunk and started throwing herself at every man at the club. It was so embarrassing but luckily no one mentioned anything about it on social media. Later that night she tried to throw herself at me and I rejected her. That really set her off and she told my father, he screamed at me but it's nothing I wasn't already used to.

"Maybe we should go back to that diner in a few days and you should ask for Billie's number" Claudia shrugs.

"I don't know, that waitress seemed to be pretty protective of her. I felt her glares when I spoke to Billie."

"You think that might be her girlfriend?"

"I don't think so, she seemed protective in a maternal way. Motherly, almost."

"Well since she might be single you are definitely getting her number." Claudia demanded.

"Whatever you say."

"Nope I need you to pinky promise that you will" she takes one of her hands off the wheel holding out her manicured pinky.

"Fine" I sigh dramatically, licking pinkies with her. "I pinky promise."

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