Twenty ꨄ

72 7 0

Finneas O.

"Alright alright, I'll be there. See you in a few hours" I sigh running my fingers through my hair as I toss my phone to the other side of the couch. One of my co-workers is begging me to tag along with him to some party. I don't know why he didn't ask me this earlier since I was literally with him half an hour ago at work. I cannot remember the last time I was invited out, usually I'd have to decline to keep Billie but Alana's got her for the night so i guess it would hurt to go out for a bit.

Getting off of the couch I head up to my room and go straight to my closet. "What to wear? What to wear?" I mumble to myself.

As I am rummaging through my things I faintly hear what sounds like the front door opening and closing. Alana didn't she'd be stopping by but maybe Billie forgot one of her overnight stuffies. Yes has certainly stuffies that she has to have with her when she is sleeping over Alana's or even here honestly. When it times for bed here, all of her other stuffies are pushed off the bed until morning when she apologizes to them for abandoning them.

"Alana?" I say peaking my head out of my bedroom door.

Footsteps follow after I call out and Billie appears with a girl close behind her. Billie motions for me to lean down, "dis Fae my girlfwend" she whispers in my ear. Standing back up straight I face Fae, extending my hand out for her to shake "hey i'm Finneas, it's nice to finally meet you. I've only seen pictures of you that Billie has showed me" I chuckle.

"Hey nice to meet you too. I am sorry to just barge into your house unannounced. Alana asked me to pick up Billie because she was really stressed out about work. I just brought her here to get some clothes since she'll be spending the night with me.. i-is that alright?"

"Of course it's alright, Alana is also Billie's caregiver so if it's alright with her it's alright with me. Did she tell you much about taking care of Billie when she is regressed?"

"She didn't tell me much, I only just found out about Billie's regression about a week ago. She just said care for her like I would care for a child and try to not to leave her by herself."

"Yeah, Billie mentioned that she finally told you. And what Alana told you is pretty much the gist of it. Just like a small child, Billie is very sensitive and needs attention. So just talk gently and if she sounds overwhelmed or over stimulated offer her a stuffie or sometimes she just wants to be held when things feel like too much. You got this though" Finneas encourages.

I nod and smile but it doesn't quite reach my eyes. Admittedly, I'm extremely anxious and nervous about caring for Billie tonight. I just don't wanna accidentally do something wrong and she never trusts me.

"It's gonna be okay" Finneas places his hand on my shoulder, "just by Billie accepting you as her caregiver for the night lets you know that she trusts you so you should trust yourself." His words are comforting but I'm sure the doubt will continue to linger in the back of my mind.

"Go on to your room and pack some pajamas and something to wear for tomorrow kiddo" Finneas tells Billie and she strolls on to her room.

"Uh oh, are you gonna have the 'i'm her big brother and I'll kill you if you hurt my sister' speech?" I say instantly regretting the word vomit that has poured out of my mouth.

"What?" Finneas laughs, "no. I think that goes without saying but I just wanted to talk to you more about her headspace."

"I'm sorry this is all just completely new territory for me."

"It's alright. So Billie isn't allergic to anything but she is sort of specific about certain foods. What were you planning on doing for dinner?"

"I was just gonna ask her to save myself the struggle of trying to figure out something" I shrug.

"Good choice" he chuckles, "she-"

"Finny I finish" Billie grunts lugging a full bag in her shoulder.

"Bil are there even any clothes in here?" He asks taking the bag from her.

"Um.. mhm" she nods.

"Billie?" He says knowing she wasn't telling the truth.

Billie pouts "needs all mines stuffies."

"C'mon let's go pack your bag the right way" he takes her hand as they begin to walk. Naturally I follow behind them.

Billie's room was sort of plain besides the red and black checkered blanket handing on her wall behind her bed. But her bed full of stuffed animals adds a pop of color to her room. I guess I expected it to look more like a child's bedroom.

"Alright I've her bag full of things she'll actually need and you can bring only 1 stuffy with you, you need to have Fae's house messy with all of your things" Finneas says authoritatively.

"Actually I really don't mind having some of her things at my place, I mean if that's alright. I wanna have some things that she'll need and want there for the next time I care for her or even just for whenever we hang out" I butt in.

"Okay great, I'll pack an extra bag and we can just switch things out every week or so" Finneas grins. "Okay, Bil you can pack a few of your stuffies that you won't miss too much."

Billie immediately grabs three stuffed animals and gives them to Finneas, he stuffs them into the bag and holds it out for me to take. "Ready to go baby?" I ask the small girl.

"Mhm" she nods with a smile.

"Okay be good Billie" Finneas pulls Billie in for a hug, "I love you" he mumbles.

"Wuvs you too Finny." Finneas and I say our goodbyes before Billie and I head to my place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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