Thirteen ꨄ

143 11 1

Billie O.

I go straight to my room and lock my door behind me, stepping out of my shoes as I make my way to my bed. I get another message from Fae, she asked if I made it home safely to which I reply yes.

Before I get to send another text my phone vibrates and her name pops up on my screen. I click the green answer button with my thumb. Her pretty face appears on my screen.

"Hi baby" she says, her chin resting on a pillow supported by her arm.

"Hi Fae" I beam, making myself comfortable on my bed. She has this soft smile on her face while she looks at me. "Is everything okay?" I giggle.

"Yeah, sorry you are just so pretty" she chuckles.

"Oh shut up" I playfully roll my eyes, "so what did you do today? Tell me all about a day in the life of the infamous Fae Avara" I tease.

"You are such a goober. But if you must know today was supposed to be my day off until I got a call this morning for my mother. She took it upon herself to schedule an interview without my knowledge but after that I just came home and got in the bed. This is where I've been ever since" she says.

"Does that happen a lot?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, yes it does. Sometimes I just wish I could- nevermind I don't wanna talk about my career anymore. Tell me about you, what goes on in the very normal life of Billie?" She jokes mocking me.

"Well my days are less interesting than yours, I spend my days going back and forth between home and Alana's job. Super lame" I sigh.

"Why not go out with friends? Or me?" She smirks.

"If my memory serves me right you do owe me a date Ms. Avara" I say matter of factly.

"Hmm I do don't I?" She matches my energy, "alright get dressed. I'm picking you up in 30."

I feel my face drop, "wait what?! R-Right now?"

"Yeah why not, it's only 8" she shrugs.

"Can I know where we are going?"

"That's cute, get ready princess" with that she hangs up.

My excitement for this date is overthrown by my fear of being alone with Fae.

I have no idea what we are gonna do or talk about. Oh god what if I slip? I hope we aren't out for too long if I don't sleep at a decent time I become cranky then I slip. I should've just said no.. But how could I turn her down ? Ugh! Curse my will to be nice.

Quickly I go through my closet and drawers trying to find something to wear. I wanna be comfortable but also cute so maybe a hoodie or knitted sweater with a skirt? It will be fall soon but the temperature hasn't dropped much yet.

Realizing I am probably running out of time I rush into the bathroom to shower really quick before getting dressed and fixing my hair. I just comb it out and put it in a cute but sort of messy bun thing. I put on some earrings and a cute silver necklace with a tiny bow on it. Putting on some white ruffled socks, I slip my feet into comfortable sneakers that -of course- match my outfit perfectly.

By the time I am done putting on a bit of mascara my phone rings. Fae is calling probably outside already.

"It just occurred to me that I didn't ask for your address" she chuckles nervously.

"Oh right" I laugh, "339 Allen St."

"Okay be there in 15."

"Okay bye" I hang up and take a deep breath.

Thank god she isn't hear already. Opening my bedroom door I walk down the hallway to Finneas's room and knock on his door.

"Come in Bil" he says.

I push open the door and stand nervously in the doorway. "H-Hey."

He puts his phone down and looks at me, "you look adorable, got a date or something?"

"I-Is that okay?" I say chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"Bil, of course it's okay but are you sure you'll be okay? I mean I don't mean to make you worry but are you worried about slipping? Or are you okay with this person knowing?"

"I'm a little worried about slipping because I really don't want h- them to know. What should I do?" I ask panic setting in.

"Okay don't freak, I'm sorry for making you worry. Just breathe. If anything goes wrong per say, just call me and I'll talk you through it and if you think it's too much I'll pick you up."

I open my mouth to speak but my phone vibrates in my hand, taking a deep breathe I answer the call.


"Hey cutie I'm outside" Fae says.

"Okay I'm coming." I hang up and look at Finneas.

"Go and have fun okay? Everything is gonna be alright" he says standing up to give me a warm hug which I graciously accept.

"Okay, thanks Finn." He let's me go and hesitantly I leave the room and make my way to the front door.

I see a car parked in front of the house, the window of the passenger seat rolls down revealing Fae. "Hop in baby" she smiles.

I make my way to the car and get in. My nervous sky rocket when we make eye contact.

"You look beautiful baby" Fae says.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad your self" I tease.

"You are so adorable I just-" she stops herself and begins to drive off.

I decide not to try to pry out of her what she was gonna say. When we arrive at the place I feel my eyes widen.. Oh no..

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