Eight ꨄ

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                                     Alana K.

"Hello?" Finneas answers the phone, his voice filled with sleep.

"Hey, you're still in bed?" I chuckle, "I'm assuming no work today?"

"You would assume correctly. What's up?"

"I'm gonna pick up Billie in about an hour. Could you get her ready?" I ask, walking around getting all of my things out before I shower.

"Yeah sure. Let me go wake her up" he grunts, probably prying hisself off his bed.

"You let my baby sleep this long?" It's not super late in the day, it's almost two-thirty. But she won't want to go down for a quick nap before we go see Fae and Claudia.

"She is usually up, she probably got bored and went back to sleep. Don't blame me" he says defensively. "I will get her ready, see you."

"See you in an hour," I hang up tossing my phone on the bed.

Heading into my bathroom, I get the shower going and strip out of my slept in clothes. When I step in I feel an instant relief, I allow my eyes to close as the hot water soothes me. My mind wanders off thinking about setting Billie up with Fae, I'm a bit nervous about it. Billie seems to have a little crush on Fae but I just hope Fae is accepting when Billie decides to tell her about her age regression. I am also worried about the fact the Fae is famous, Billie may not take being in the spotlight very well. But I know I shouldn't stress about it too much, they barely know each other.

After my shower I get dressed and tidy up my room a bit before I finish getting myself ready. I head to the kitchen and start doing the little bit of dishes left in the sink, as I am doing that my phone rings. Propping my phone up on the counter I answer the facetime call from Billie.

"Hi bee!" I smile, looking at her briefly before focusing my eyes back on the plate I was cleaning.

"Hi momma! Finny said you come gets me soon?" She beams, holding one of her stuffed bears close to her chest.

"Yup I'm coming to get you as soon as I'm done doing the dishes. Maybe we could go to the park and get ice cream, how does that sound?"

"Yay!! Momma take me to park Finny!" She looks over to her right, Finneas wipes her face with a light blue washcloth. "That's exciting, Bil. Just be careful and stay close to Lani at all times okay?" Finneas says.

"Otay I will, pwomise" she says.

Once I finish the dishes I dry my hands, grabbing my phone "okay angel I'm coming to get you right now."

"Otay bye bye" she giggles blowing me a kiss.

"I'll see you in a few minutes sweet girl" I chuckle. Pushing my phone into my back pocket I go back to my room to grab my things before heading out.


"Higher momma! Push me higher!" Billie squeals, her giggles filling the air.

"I don't want you to get scared baby, are you sure?" I ask breathlessly, she has had me pushing her on the swing for what feels like an hour but it's probably only been about ten minutes or so.

"Higher!" She cheers.

Feeling my arms getting tight and sore I grunt, "how about you go play somewhere else for a little why? Momma's arms are starting to hurt."

"Oh I sowwy" she says. I hold onto the chains of the swing slowing it down enough for her to hop off.

"I p'ay on slide?" She asks innocently gazing at me with her sparkling blue eyes.

"Okay just stay where I can see you okay?" She nods before running off.

My phone buzzes in my pack pocket just before I get to sit down on a bench, "hello?"

"Hey! It's Claudia" the girl says.

"Hey Claudia what's up?" I plop down, my feet relieved from the pressure of standing.

"Just wanted to fill you in on some ideas I have for later, also is there anything I should know about Billie's triggers. I know she doesn't want Fae to know about her little side, could you tell me some stuff that will make her slip so I can hopefully prevent that."

"Glad you asked, she tends to slip when she's nervous or scared. So we should try to avoid awkward silences. Also speaking too loud or any loud noises for that matter.." I give her a run down of some other things and she tells me about her ideas. We discuss a little more before ending the call.

Billie comes to back to me with a boy about her age, "Momma dis my new fwend, Mikey, him a wittle too!!"

"H-Hi" the boy says shyly, almost cowering behind Billie.

"Hi sweetie, it's nice to me-"

"Mikey?! Michael Evans I-" a man comes towards us when he spots Mikey. "Oh god, you had me worried sick bub. You cannot just run off without telling me okay?" The mans says crouches down to Mikey's height.

"I sowwy" he says, "Biwie wanted me to meet her mommy."

"Oh, where are my manners?" the man stands up and faces me, "hi, I'm Mikey's caregiver. I'm Caleb" he holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Caleb, I'm Alana, Billie's mommy"I smile warmly shaking his hand.

"Aren't you just the cutest peach ever" Caleb says looking at Billie making her giggle.

"It seems as though our troublemakers are friends now" I chuckle.

"I'm glad, Mikey doesn't make friends easily. I'd love for them to have a play date if that's okay with you."

"Of course, that would be great. Give me your number and we'll set something up. Unfortunately we've gotta get going, gotta put my sweet baby down for a nap" I say.

Caleb and I exchange information and Billie says her goodbyes to Mikey. I honestly felt a little bad separating them but they'll see each other before they know it.

Billie lifts her arms silently letting me know she wants to be picked up so I oblige and pick up her go-bag and head to the car.

Before we go to my place I stop at Mcdonald's which seems to cheer her up a bit, she happily ate her nuggets and fries as we drove to my house. When I park the car I look in the back to see her passed out with a french fry handing out of her mouth and a nugget in her hand. Quietly I giggle to myself, she is so cute.

We make it into the house and I lay her on the couch, I will just have to bathe her when she gets up. I sit beside her on the couch, putting on something mildly entertaining to watch while I wait for her to wake up.

A/N: sorry i'm posting a lot tryna get to the good parts 😭

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