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Edward looked beside him to see Hazel sound asleep. Last night came back to him and he loved every bit of it. Hazel laid her head on his chest causing him to smile. He knew what he wanted to do. He wants to ask Hazel to marry him. He heard Ella talking on the phone and walked downstairs. "Ella?"

"Edward, give me a second." She tells him causing him to wait. "Charlie, I'll talk to you later."

Edward stood waiting for her. He listened for Hazel and knew that she was still asleep. Once she hung up, she looked at Edward who looked deep in thought. "I'm sorry, Edward. Charlie was asking about a family day." She says. "What was you wanting?"

"I want to ask Hazel to marry me, but the wedding won't be till after graduation." He says pulling the box out of his back pocket. "Yesterday, while Hazel and Bella spent sometime together, I went and got her this ring." Ella stared at the ring in shock. "I would have used my mother's ring, but I think I want to pass it down to my children one day."

Ella smiled as she walked to a box and pulled out a necklace. "My mother gave me this on my wedding day. I promised to stay a Swan because she didn't trust my husband. She told me to keep this till the day my daughter got married." She smiled. "She will never get to see that day." Ella put the necklace down. "Edward, promise me that you will keep my daughter safe."

"I promise."

Hazel smiled as she ran back upstairs. Hearing the sounds of someone running, Edward knew Hazel heard part of the conversation. Hopefully not him asking for permission to marry her.
Ella managed to call the rest of the Cullens to come back and surprise Edward and Hazel. She told them that Edward misses them and that she would appreciate it if they came to see the engagement happen. "Is mom hiding something?" She asked.

"I can't tell." He says. "It's like she's talking about food for the day out."

Hazel nodded as she looked at Edward and pulled him into a kiss. Edward laid Hazel back on the bed causing them to share a look. Leaning back in, Edward kissed her. The dark haired girl felt her shirt coming off making her smile. "Edward, Hazel. I'm going to the spot for family day. I'll see you two there." Ella says from the other side of the door as Edward started kissing Hazel's neck.

"Okay." She said. "I'll see you there."

"Wear protection, Edward."

Edward pulled back and looked at a very red Hazel. He couldn't help it, but laugh as she did. Of course, Ella Swan just had to embarrass her daughter in front of her boyfriend. "Why me?" She says.

"Hey, it's not going to stop us."

Hazel brought Edward back down. "Then finish what you have started, Mr. Cullen."

"As you wish, Miss. Swan."
Three hours later, Edward and Hazel arrived at the park, but the two saw familiar vehicles. They looked at one another before parking and getting out. Hazel saw Alice and Rosalie causing her to run and hug them. Edward was shocked that Rosalie hugged Hazel. Esme was next causing him to be hugged by his brothers and Carlisle. "Man, it's been a quiet few months."

"But relaxing without a mind reader."

"Bella knows." They looked at him shocked. "She met Laurent with Hazel."

"What did she do?" Carlisle asked as they went over to the Swans as Bella and Hazel hugged.

"Nothing. She doesn't really care." He says as he looked at Hazel who looked at him. "Why are you guys back?"

"We couldn't miss the engagement." Rosalie says.

Edward didn't know how to respond, but he saw Hazel walking over to him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing much." He tells her. "But, I will say this." Hazel looked at him odd. "When we first moved here, I made the mistake of never talking to you even though you and Alice were close." Hazel nodded. "After what you went through and knowing I could have lost my chances if you passed, I had to know you."


"I love you, Hazel Swan and after we graduate..." he got down on one knee causing Hazel to cover her mouth. "I want to marry you."

Hazel smiled as she hugged him. "I love you, Edward." She tells him as she looked at the ring he revealed. "Yes."

The Swans and the Cullens smiled as Edward slipped the ring on and stood up. Hazel wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Everything was perfect. Now, Edward has to tell his family his plans on turning Hazel Swan.

From This Moment-E. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now