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"Hi, Uncle Charlie." Hazel said as she walked over to see him as Edward went hunting. "Sorry for not coming to visit you much."

"It's fine, Hazel." He said hugging her. "How have you been?"

"Good." She tells him. "Edward has been helping out a lot, but I think he may be going to see his family and bring them back here. He misses them and so do I."

"I think the town misses Dr. Cullen."

Hazel laughed as Bella walked outside. "Hey." She said. "What are you doing here?"

"Catching up with uncle Charlie."

Bella walked over to them and started talking to them. Ella saw them and walked over as they discussed a family day out. Edward smiled as he watched Hazel and Bella talk, but just seeing her smile made him smile. I need to get them back home.
"Do you think you can go on our little walk in the woods without Edward?"

"Just us girls?" Bella nodded. "Edward wouldn't mind."

Edward walked out causing them to look at him. "Hey." He said kissing Hazel. "I'm trying to call Esme to get her talk the others into coming back, but I think I left their new numbers at the house. Are you two going somewhere's?"

"Our daily routine before Bella left. Going for a walk in the woods." She said kissing him. "I'll be careful."


Edward watched Hazel and Bella leave. He sighed as he got in his car and left. He needed to get his family back here. It's not for him, but for Hazel. "It's not the same without them." He mumbled.
Hazel smiled as she walked with Bella. "Mom hasn't been home much this week." Hazel said. "I think she's been going on dates that I have no idea who it could be." She smiled. "Bella, when are you going to tell Jacob that you like him."

Bella's face turned red. "I-I'm afraid too. He hasn't really been talking to me since the theatre's. Mike has asked me out on a date, but I told him no. I like Jacob."

"Hello, Hazel."

She looked to see Laurent. "Bella, run." She tells her as Bella ran.

"No." Bella stopped. "I'm not leaving you by yourself to get killed by this creepy guy."

Hazel smiled as Bella took her hand. The two looked at Laurent together. "Why are you here?"

"Came to visit the Cullens, but saw your mate." He said causing Bella to be confused with the word mate.

"They left, but Edward stayed behind because of me. He is trying to get them back here."

"Victoria sent me to kill you."

"Why? James is alive..."

"He disappeared and she thinks that you have something to do with it."

When he went to kill the girls, a pack of wolves came out of nowhere. They watched Laurent run off causing one to look back at them, but he was staring more into Bella's eyes. Hazel could have sworn this wolf was happy before running off. "Now explain to me what did I just see."

"Bella, Edward is a vampire and the guy we met. He's a vampire, but the woman he mentioned, she was with this blonde that killed Waylon. The only issue is, why does she want me dead and what happened to James."

Bella was shocked to hear this. She hugged her cousin as she knew that they will find out together. "We will do this together." She tells her. "Okay."

"Together, but for now, we need to tell Edward what happened."

Bella nodded as they left the woods. Only thing that was going through Hazel's mind is what happened to James.

From This Moment-E. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now