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Edward couldn't believe that he was holding his child. Staring into her beautiful eyes, Edward knew his daughter would steal some hearts. "Does she have a name?" He heard Ella ask causing him to look at her shocked. "Billy explained everything to me. Is she..."

"Yes." Edward says. "Why did he tell you what we are?"

"Because she has rights to know about her daughter and granddaughter." Billy stated. "I know Carlisle would have wanted people to think a young healthy woman like Hazel die. She deserves to be there for her daughter till it's her time. And for her to watch her granddaughter."

"I'm not saying a word. As long as Hazel is happy."

"She named her Aria Lynn Cullen." He says. "Before I bit her, that's what she named her."

Ella smiled with tears in her eyes. "May I hold her?"

Edward nodded as she took her granddaughter.
Jacob arrived to meet his niece. He smiled as he saw his dad and step mom. "How is Hazel?"

"She's has two days. She had Aria three hours ago." Edward responded as Alice and the others came in. "What?"

"Nothing. She's going to look amazing." Alice stated. "She will be amazing and will accept this life. Aria will grow up to be a beautiful smart girl."

Edward looked at his soon to be mother in law and smiled. He has a family even though he knows one day, Ella will be dead, but Hazel will have him and Aria.
Edward smiled as his family was enjoying Aria. He thought she would be growing fast, but she's not. Which is good because he gets to watch her grow up. Fall in love, have a family, etc,. It's been two days and he's been waiting for Hazel to wake up. Feeling arms around him had him smiling. "You're awake."

"I am." She says as he turned to hug her. "I missed you and Aria.'

"I missed you."

They turned to see the door to the room that held Hazel opened and Edward gone with Hazel meaning she's awake. Ella smiled as she couldn't wait for her daughter to come back. She wants to hold her little girl again.
"What's wrong?" Hazel asked as she wiped the blood off her face.

"Nothing, baby. missed so much in two days. Ella had collected our diplomas and your mom knows." Hazel looked at him. "Talk to your step dad."

"Why did he tell her?"

"Because he wanted her to know the truth. Just like I wanted you to know." He tells her. "I love you, Hazel and in a few weeks I will marry you."

Hazel hugged him as they started dancing together. No music, no one around, just them in that moment. Hazel couldn't wait to hold her. Right now, she wanted a little time with Edward than she will have time with her daughter. Once she has reassured herself that she is strong enough to be with her daughter and mom.

From This Moment-E. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now