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Hazel was slightly confused as to why the Cullens were playing baseball when there was a storm coming. She looked at Edward and had to ask. "Why play when there is a storm coming?"

"You'll see." He said making her nod. "I promise that you will have fun."

Hazel smiled as she held his hand smiling. She was looking forward to see why in the storm though. Edward looked at Hazel and smiled as she was looking out the window. He was doing this because he wanted her to know his family better. Alice adores Hazel and so does Esme, but something tells him that Rosalie, Hazel would have to work her way through the walls Rosalie has up.
When the two arrived, Hazel got out and saw them practicing. She had on Edward's jacket as they walked over to everyone. "Its nice to have you here, Hazel." Esme said. "You can be the umpire."

"Sure." She said. "I've watch too much baseball with my uncle so I know each spot."

"Amazing." Esme said as Emmett walked by them.

"She thinks we cheat."

"Knowing you guys. Maybe." Hazel said as she walked a little always, but Edward grabbed her. She looked at him and smiled.

Edward gave her a kiss before he ran out to the outfield. Hazel walked up behind Esme and watched as the game started. She started to understand why they played in the storm. She had either laughed or glared back at someone for their rudeness, Rosalie, but she knew there was reasons behind it.

Edward loved seeing Hazel enjoying herself and that was all he wanted till Alice stopped the game. "Stop!"

Hazel watched Edward run over to her and held her close. "What?'

"I saw them leaving, but they heard us playing."

Hazel knew she got her answer. The nomads Edward had told her about were coming to them. Hazel knew she had to stay very still and listen to Edward. If they find out she's human, she will be dead. Not saying a word, Hazel laid her head on Edward's chest as she looked up at him. He kissed her head making her smile.

Three sets of red eyes appeared out of the forest. Hazel looked at them and study the three. Two were mates, but one was the leader. She thinks. Hearing Carlisle speak to them as she held on to Edward had her even more calm. When the wind blew, Hazel could have sworn her heart dropped. When no one said a word, Hazel looked at Edward as he walked her away from them.
At the Cullens, Hazel watched Edward pace back and forth. "Edward." She said as she grabbed his hand. "I'm confused as to what happened. I thought they would smell me."

"I think there is more to our bond then we thought." He said. "I just don't know what that bond is."

Hazel touched his face and looked him in the eyes. She smiled at him as she spoke these words. "We will find out as a team." She tells him. "We will not work on this alone as we have to find out together."

"We are a team." Edward said. "We'll figure it out soon, but right now, I just want to hold you." Hazel smiled as she laid her head against his chest. "You are my world now, Hazel."

"I love you."

The two didn't know that James was killed for going on the Rez side to hunt. All they had was each other and that's all they focused on.

From This Moment-E. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now