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Happy birthday @Nevaeh2113

Edward looked beside him to see his mate still sleep. He saw it was 3 in the morning. He felt Hazel move closer to him. He smiled as he closed his eyes thinking of the right moment he would be marrying her.

The sound of someone walking through the house caused him to close his eyes. Ella opened the door yawning checking on her daughter and Edward to see them sound asleep. She knew for sure her wish came true. Her daughter is in love and one day, they will have a baby.

Edward heard the door shutting causing him to kiss Hazel before he closed his eyes to act if he is asleep. This feels normal.
The next morning, Hazel was gathering her things for the school day. Graduation was around the corner and so was her wedding. Feeling arms wrap around her caused her to smile. "Good morning, my love."

"Getting things together."

"Yes, but I think we have plenty of time." She says. "We do have free periods."

"True, but I'm sure Ella will kill us."

Hazel sighed. "What happened to James?"

"He died after the game." He tells her. 'The pack killed him because he went onto their land. Victoria believes we did something,  but no one was in danger. Especially you."

She nodded as she continued to gather their things. Edward knew she was still thinking of Laurent and knew that he will have to ask Alice. He doesn't want Hazel stressing over this. They have a few weeks of school left, a trip to Renee's and then their wedding. "Edward?"


"What's wrong?"

Edward sighed. "I don't want you stressing over this. We don't know what Victoria is planning, but we have other things to think about than her. We didn't do anything to her mate. Okay."

"Okay, but promise me..."

"I promise to turn you. I love you, Hazel Swan."

"I love you too,  Edward."

Ella walked downstairs to see her daughter and Edward leaving. She smiled as she knew her daughter will be happy when she tells her about her moving on to Billy Black. Someone that was always there for them. "I can't wait to tell her the news."

From This Moment-E. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now