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1 month later

3rd person

Today was the day both wendy and gregory were dreading, sorting out finances and shared items. Neither of them wanted anything to do with each other(or so they thought). "So" wendy started. "Its really over between us. The wedding is off all deposits are dealt with" gregory sighed. "I-im sorry about the affair, i only wanted to know and got hooked. He really means nothing. Wendy ive loved the last 6 years but once i proposed it changed, i changed, you changed. The love we feel changed." he told her. 

'Love' if you could use that word. She thought. Gregory gulped, realizing that this wasnt going to win her back. "Why are you with stan, once more?" wendy looked taken aback. "I just had lunch with him, you had an affair" she shot back. Sure he asked a simple question but there relationship was bumpy to the end, just like her and stan.

-7 years ago-

"Okay so i'll come get you from the airport?" stan asked, making sure he had everything in order. "Yep i get there at 10 am, gotta go bye" wendy hung up before he could finish. "Love you too, i just hope you want to marry me" stan said, closing a small blue box, with an engagement ring inside it. Stan got a call from shelly.

"Hello?" he said

"Come to hells pass, moms there something happened" she said, shelly sounded worried. I mean can you blame her, her mom is in the hospital.

"Im on my way" he hung up the phone and put the ring down and left. Stan raced there. What was wrong with mom? He thought. Once he got there shelly was in the lobby. "Stan, mom is getting tested right now but they think its something dangerous" shelly has clearly been crying.

 After hours of waiting they got to see her. She was diagnosed with leukemia. None of them could comprehend this. How did it happen, well the doctors dont really know but its stage 2 so she has a high survival rate. (A/N dont quote me on that, i tried googling it but i couldnt find anything so if theres someone who knows more ig that would be helpful) the next few weeks were rough but they were managing. 

Thanksgiving rolled around and wendy saw how the Marsh family wasnt doing so well, except for sharon. She was still healthy enough to cook the meal. "Mom you dont have to, we can do it" shelly told her mom. "I could take over if you'd like" Elizabeth(mrs testaburger) offered. "No this might be the last time i can do it so i'm throwing away my shot" everyone was worried but let it slide because sharon wouldnt take no for an answer. The supper tasted great but everyone was concerned for sharon. 

Months went by and she got worse. So did stans mental health. By then stan and wendy werent in the same cities and if they were it was constant fights then makeup sex. No fights were ever resolved but buried under the rug; only to cause more problems later. By june sharon was cancer free. She had beaten it but even that news didn't really save stans mental state. He would voluntarily pick fights and drink it all away.

 One night is where it all went down hill. 

"God stan do you always have to drink!?" wendy asked, basically screaming. "Why does it matter to you?" he shot back. "Stan i love you and want what's best, you need therapy" wendy said, trying to grab his hand. He pulled away. "I just want...to go back before my mom got sick" he told her. "But she is healthy" wendy said. "But she's not the same. My mom is gone and i dont know what to do!" stan yelled, crying. This was the first time wendy realized how distraught he was. This wasn't stan. It was a monster living inside his body. He is an alcoholic and theres not much she can do about it. Stan grabbed another beer. "Really another?" she asked. "Yes" he annoyingly replied. He turned towards her but the bottle fell out of his hand and shattered on the floor. "Great" wendy said. "Well fuck you!" he screamed. The next few minutes were filled with horrid insults and things they'd regret. After some time stan was unbearable and wendy left her own apartment.

 She called gregory, crying asking if he could pick her up. After that she stayed with gregory then a few days later made up with stan. But when she drove him to the airport a few weeks later he was hung over. "So ill call you when i land?" he asked. "No dont...dont bother. Its over stan. This isnt working anymore. We both know it, youre just not there yet." she gave him one last hug and turned around. "Wendy, please..." stan got on the plane, not wanting to fight for the broken relationship anymore. Once he got home the ring was sent back to his mom with a note: i wont need it anymore, its over.

Just like that the only girl he loved was out of his life. For a while stan blamed himself. "It will take some time but you'll love again." kyle told him. "Besides i know someone who likes you" "who?" stan asked. "That goth chick, henrietta i think that was her name" (ha you thought i was gonna give you style think again!) "damn, really. I mean back in high school she was fucking hot." stan confessed. "But wendy was hotter" stan said. "Dude you dont need to feel bad, just because you found someone hot doesnt mean your gonna bone them. You think someone looks nice and its nothing more than that so dont feel bad i mean lots of people have found others hot while in a relationship, if you dont act on it its not a big deal. Besides wendy isnt your girlfriend anymore" kyle did have a point. "Yea i guess you do you have a point. Thats why you were the smart one" stan laughed. "Were? Dude i still am!" kyle said, trying to act offended but ended up joining his friend in laughter


"Ugh god i cant believe you went back to him!" gregory yelled. "Why do you care? We didnt date until months after that! I never cheated that though never fucking crossed my mind you fucking tool! I thought you loved me but you just wanted to impress you parent!" wendy stopped after she said that. She knew it was too far. "Im sorry" wendy said "But your right" gregory admitted. Once we got engaged it was to impress them and get them to finish paying off any debt before the wedding. But i just needed something...different." he tried to explain. "Why didnt you talk to me about this? I would have understood" but she may not have. Theres no real way to know but she would assume that she'd eventually understand...this mess. "Where did it all go wrong?" wendy asked. "I dont know, it could have been anywhere" gregory told her. "But lets finish sorting through our shared things. You want the pan set?" he asked. "No, i have my own in storage back home" home, where was home?


so here is the 5th chapter. the next 2-4 chapters will be memories thru different pov's and shit. its not going to be consistant. school is kicking my ass, i just broke up with my s/o and im fucking sick so yea

im still writing so there will be some new shit...eventually 

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