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Gregory's pov

I love her with all my heart and if I didn't freak out about being married and sleep with my assistant everything would have been fine. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She was the person who got me the most. But now she is in love with her ex Stan. He was always a dick, even when we were young. I hate him. I want him dead.

Christopher walked in, disrupting my thoughts, "Hey, Greg. I brought some food back," Christopher said.

I hate him, well no I love him but at the same time I hate him because I don't have Wendy.

I stopped writing and smiled, "Great, let's eat."

That night I knew I had to deal with Stan and get Wendy to be mine. I love her and need to be with her once again.

In the morning I shipped the package, hoping that the stuff in there could help me win her back. I've tried lots of things to get us together again. The package is one. I also send her pastries to her work but this one cunt there named Aurora who throws it out right away and she always tells me to get the hell out of there. So I ended up getting her fired. But turns out she has been doing remote work for a little while. When I asked they said a family member died. So I did some internet stalking and found out Stan's mom had died. I felt bad for the family, I'm not a monster. So I backed off.

In a few days Wendy will be returning according to one of Bebe's insta posts. Soon she will be mine. But first I've gotta get rid of Christopher. If I'm still living with him there is no way she will even consider leaving Stan.

A week went by before I got the courage to dump him.

"Chris, I think we should break up," I said bluntly.

He looked shocked, then sad, "Very well then, I quit!" he announced.

"You don't need to quit, I still care about you!" it's true I do care for him, just don't wanna be with him.

"I'm moving away anyhow. My sister found me and has asked me to come live with her in Europe so I will be going there," he told me.

"Where?" I asked.

He scoffed, "No way in hell am I telling you,"

After that he packed all his things and left. It didn't bother me that much. It was nice and quiet.

About a month and a half later I was on Insta when I saw a disheartening post from Wendy's mom. She is going to be a grandmother. Wendy is pregnant, Stan is the father.

How could that be? And I don't mean how did it happen, I know how babies are made just how could she go back to him?

I sighed, "Wish it didn't have to come to this but, whatever. Have to make it look like he was a dirty cheater and she'd come back to me for sure,"

With that I started to get my "work" done.


Okay so I know this one and the last one was short but they will get longer and more intresting soon 

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