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Today is the day of Shelly and Kevin's wedding. Everyone had been looking forward to it. At eleven am everyone started to gather in the South Park church. On the left side was Shelly's family, only about fifty people showed up for her. Which was more than she thought would show considering both sides of her family are kinda small. The right side was Kevin's family. He only had about twenty people show up. Almost everyone he invited showed up besides his parents.

Kevin was nice enough to let Karen invite some of her friends. It was only Ike and Tricia but he didn't wanna seem like no one cared to show up for him.

There was only about ten minutes till the wedding. Kevin was standing up with his groomsmen. He never really had any friends. To be honest Kenny and Karen were his only two friends. When he was in high school he had some but they all went to college and left him. Some still got in contact but that was ten years ago and Kevin just stopped trying.

His best man was Kenny, the two were always close so Kevin couldn't think of anyone better to be up there with him when he is getting married. Beside him was Stan and Kyle. You would think that it would be weird to have his brother's friends but Stan is gonna be his brother in law soon and he knows Kyle well because of Karen and Ike.

Shelly was about to get married and this is where the panic really started to set in. She loved Kevin but the fear of things going wrong set in. But then a thought hit her, she is always at her happiest and best when with him and the fear she was feeling went away.

Randy knocked on the door, "ready to go?" he asked.

Shelly nodded and smiled, "Yeah, lets go," Randy linked arms with Shelly. The music started to play. White and pink flower petals slowly fell as the two walked up to the altar.

"Your mom would be so proud of you," he whispered to her, "I'm proud of you too,"

"Thanks dad," Shelly said as the two were at the front. He kissed her cheek and shook Kevins hand.

"Take good care of her, if not Jimbo and Ned have a gun store." Kevin got nervous, "Kidding" with that Randy sat down, his little girl was getting married.

"You look perfect," Kevin whispered to Shelly.

She smiled wide, "So do you," She knew this was the man for her

"Today we are here to celebrate the wedding of Shelly and Kevin. They would like to thank everyone who is in attendance. These two have known each other for years as most people do in small towns but in all seven billion people they found each to love for the rest of their lives. The two have prepared vows for each other," the pastor said.

"Shelly," Kevin started, "You are the person that I love. You make me feel better and help me grow as a person. I grew up poor and always dreamt of having all the money in the world but none of that matters if I have you. You're what I've always wanted. True love," Kevin said, stuttering and holding back his tears. He loved her with all his heart and nothing will ever change that.

Shelly held back her tears as well as she started to read her vows, "Truth be told when we first met you were just one of Stan's friends' older brother. But that one project in ninth grade was when I got to know you. To fall in love with you. I'm glad that things have played out as they did, because I got you," Shelly stopped to try not to cry, "This is the wedding I always wanted, you're the groom I always wanted,"

"Now repeat after me" the priest started, "I do Kevin take the Shelly,"

"I do Kevin take the Shelly,"

"To be my lawful wedded wife,"

"To be my lawful wedded wife,"

"In sickness and in health, for better or for worse,"

"In sickness and in health, for better or for worse,"

"Til death do us part,"

"Til death do us part,"

Kevin slipped the ring onto Shelly's ring finger.

"Now repeat after me" the priest continued, "I do Shelly take the Kevin,"

"I do Kevin take the Shelly,"

"To be my lawful wedded wife,"

"To be my lawful wedded wife,"

"In sickness and in health, for better or for worse,"

"In sickness and in health, for better or for worse,"

"Til death do us part,"

"Til death do us part,"

Shelly put the ring on Kevins ring finger, smiling at him.

"I now pronounce u husband an-" the doors swung open. All heads turned to see a blonde with a brown shirt. People whispered and gasped in surprise.

"Wendy! Don't marry Stan I love you more than he ever could! Take me back, leave him now!" Gregory demanded. But when he looked he was shocked to see that the bride and groom weren't Stan and Wendy.

Wendy and bebe stood up in surprise. "The fuck is he doing here??" Bebe whispered,

"No clue"

Our main four boys started to laugh really hard as she grew angry. "What the HELL are you doing at MY wedding? And if you think Wnedy will take you back you have something else coming for you!" Shellys voice echoed through the church.

Caertman put a hand on her shoulder, "Do you want me to take care of him like I did Skyler and Scott?"

Shelly shook her head no, but Bebe had another idea. She marched up to him, high heels angrily pounding against the floor. "Listen here, you broke her heart! She has moved on and is happy! If you think you're gonna break up their family and this wedding then you will be so wrong," Bebe bitch slapped him. The sound echoed through the high ceiling. Everyone stared in shock as Gregory slowly turned back to Bebe.

"Get the fuck outta here before I put you in chilli!" Cartman yelled.

Gregory scoffed, "Fine I will leave but know this Stan you won her heart but it won't be the end of this!" Gregory declared.

"Yeah I'm gonna marry her so I think it is!" Stan yelled.

Wendy sighs, "Gregory I kicked you out, leave me alone before I deal with you myself," Wendy is very sweet but piss her off or try to steal her man and you can guarantee a terrible fate.

The blonde scoffed, almost nervous to what they could do to him and simply said, "You're no good for me Wendy. I will find someone better," the he left as quickly as possible.

The priest cleared his throat, "As I was saying I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride," Kevin pulled Shelly into a deep kiss as everyone cheered.

The two walked down the aisle as all the guests clapped for them, people crying.

Now is the fun part of weddings, the party! 


This is all I have so far. For some reason I've been procrastinating writing this. But I updated the cover with some of my art :) BUT 3.1K READS! I REALLY DIDN'T THINK I'D GET THIS MANY TYSM FOR READ IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!! <3

Also...face reveal! 

Yeah so thats what I look like :)

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Yeah so thats what I look like :)

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