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Gregorys pov

I was buttoning up my shirt. "Christopher that was amazing" he was getting his pants on. "I know" him and i are having a bit of an afair. Ever since i proposed to wendy i started sleeping with my assistant christopher. I love wendy and i want to marry her but i will be married for ever. In my family divorce is frowned upon. 

My uncle divorced his wife and he was shut out. I can't be shut out because my parents are paying off my gambling debt. It's also the reason I had to hire Christopher, his aunt runs the casino and she needed him to have a job. The only way I wouldn't go to jail was if I hired him and got my parents to pay off my debt. For my parents I promised grandchildren.

6 months ago a thought hits me. Im going to be with her for the rest of my life. So i started sleeping with christopher but its only til the wedding. Then im breaking it off. He knows. We have nothing feeling wise all pshyical.

It was two hours after i sent the text to wendy saying that i couldnt make it cause i had a work thing. A new text popped up

Wendy: im calling off the wedding. I want you out of my place by friday. Im sick of being stood up because of "work" problems. Im done gregory i dont want anything to do with you anymore.

Its over but how did she know about the affair. Ha for someone thats so smart as me i cant even remember that shes a detective. "Whats wrong?" christopher asked. "Wendy called off the wedding. She is also kicking me out. I have til friday." "you can stay at my flat. Is that ok?" "its great" i smiled. "But are you ok with me staying?" he shrugged. "I geuss. We can do it on a bed not a shitty desk" i kissed his cheek. "Ive gotta get home and start packing, night" "night"

i walked out to my car and saw someone famillar. Was it stanly marsh wendys high school love. I ignored it and drove home. When i got there wendy was sleeping. She looked so peaceful. Oh how i want to take an air horn and blow it in her face. But i wont considering i liked my neighbors. Plus if i do that she'll kick me out right then and there.

After i pack most of my things i sleep on the couch. The next morning wendy left before i even woke up. So i finished packing my things and put everything into my car. Again i ran into stanly. "Oh hello stanly" he whipped his head around. "Gregory" his tone flat. He had bags under his eyes. "Well it was nice to see you but ive got to go" stan said, nervously. Well what was that about? I asked myself but didnt ponder the question any longer. I got in my car and went to work. I work at my fathers tech company. Dont ask me what its for i only work here because im the company owner's son. I know i sound stuck up and pretencise but if i was how i was raised. Everything was handed to me but wendy didnt live like that. My parents got me into harvard. But wendy had worked so hard and didnt get in but she got into a good police school(that was in the same city.) she worked hard and graduated 2 years early so at 21. Then took two years for special detective work. I dont recall exactly what it was but i know shes good at what she does. Once i got there i saw my assistant christopher. "Why hello boss" he said in a mocking tone. "Have you had coffee yet?" i asked in a joking tone. "3 cups" he said. I chuckled and went into my office. I had sent some emails and all that business-y stuff. Once lunch came around i went out to a nice restaurant. The place was only a block from the office and the food was to die for. It was nice having lunch with myself. I got an extra dessert per christophers request. When i was walking back i saw stan and wendy talking in a mcdonalds. "So thats why she called it off" i said under my breath. She saw me and i walked off.

The rest of the day i was in a bad mood. Why does it have to be him? Stan is a stupid kid that treated her like shit.

-6 years ago-

My phone started to ring. "Hello?" i said. "H-hey can you come get me, stan is drunk a-aand and" she started to cry into the phone. "Ill be there soon" i hopped into my car and raced to her house. She was sitting outside in the cold. I got her into my car and took her home. Once we were inside i gave her a blanket and made some hot coco. "He came to visit and he started drinking, when i asked him to stop and eat something he started to get mad. At first i tried to calm him down but then i was done and yelled back" she looked down at her foot that was bleeding. I went to grab my first aid kit. I started to fix up her foot as she continued. "He stood up and went to grab another one. When i yelled at him to stop he turned quickly and the bottle fell out of his hand and it broke on the ground. One of the shards cut my foot and it really hurt. When i started to cry he didnt care and grabbed another one. Then i called you" she said, now crying once more. I let her sleep in my bed and the next morning i kicked stran out of her apartment. After that she broke up with him.


It makes my blood boil thinking about how shitty he was towards her and now she's so kindly going back to him. That night I followed Christopher to his flat. He let me stay in the spare room. I moved all my stuff in and then took a shower. "Gregory?" he asked. "Yes?" "may i join you?" just like that all the anger i felt was pushed away because of some really sexy, edgy french man. 


okay so stan seems like an asshole but trust me theres reasoning. also i made gregory seem like a douchbag because in this story he is so yea :) 

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