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 Wendy packed her bags and headed home.

"Bye, I'll miss you a ton" Wendy hugged her best friend.

"I'll miss you too, come back soon!" Bebe said

"I will," she replied.

"Love you!" Bebe yelled.

Wendy replied, "Love you too!"

Wendy got into her car and drove to Stans. She wanted to say goodbye before she leaves. She knocked on his door.

"Hi," Stan said.

"Hey, I don't have much time but I wanted to say bye," Wendy told him, giving Stan a hug.

"I'll come see you sometime soon," Stan told her, "whenever you want me to."

"Of course, just give me a few days to get settled and unpack, then you can come there." Wendy kissed him, his lips were soft.

"I'll miss you," Stan whispered.

Wendy smiled, "I'll miss you too," she kissed him one more time then left.

The drive was about an hour there so Wendy listened to music til she got back to her place. She parked her car and went to check her mail. There was a box left for her. It was from Gregory. She rolled her eyes, asshole.

Wendy, I found some of your stuff while I was unpacking. It must have been in a box from when I moved into your apartment about a year and a half ago. I didn't want to throw out your stuff so here you go


Wendy groaned, "Fuck off you dickhole"

Her neighbour looked at her, "Me?" they asked

"No no no my ex-fiance, he cheated and now he's sending my stuff back. Probably to piss me off," Wendy explained, she thought that she was alone.

"He sounds like a dick," they said to her

"Tell me about," Wendy picked up the box and got on the elevator.

She hit the 3 button and went up to her apartment. She unlocked the door and put her luggage and the box of her stuff by her couch and went to the bathroom. After she made a snack and went to bed.

The next morning she unpacked all her stuff and did a load of laundry. Curiosity got the best of her and she looked through the box. The first thing she found was a book, The word is murder by Anthony Horowitz. She was reading when she and Gregory first started dating.

Wendy sat at the table in the little cafe, she waited for Gregory to show up. She nervously tapped her foot as she read her book. What if he doesn't show? She thought. Her last relationship was a mess so this one is gonna be one too?

The door opened and Gregory came in. Wendy looked up at him and smiled.

"Hi, sorry I got lost, who knew that there were two of these places," Gregory laughed as he put his coat on his chair.

"It's okay," Wendy said.

Gregory looked at the book, "what're you reading?"

Wendy picked up the book, "Oh, it's called the word is murder. This woman goes to plan her funeral and six hours later she is murdered. So this ex-detective and the narrator go to figure out whodunit. The woman is the mother of this famous guy," Wendy explained the book.

"That sounds good, when you're done I'd love to read it," Gregory said.

The rest of the date was spent talking about books they loved.

Wendy sighed and looked in the book, Gregory had put sticky notes all over the book. She smiled but then the smile turned to disgust. It hurts to think of the good times because things only go downhill. She kept looking through the box. There was a little box full of little trinkets like charms that fell off bracelets or little rocks. It was just things she had found over the years.

"How the fuck did he end up with the box?" She asked. "I swear it was on my dresser. Whatever,"

Wendy looked through the rest of the box. She found one of Stan's old shirts. It was used as a sleeping shirt. Guess it ended up with Gregory. She still remembers the day Stan gave it to her.

Wendy sat in Stan's room, Kyle and Cartman were playing war. Kenny was learning how to braid so Wendy let him try on her hair.

"Okay be gentle, don't pull. OW! Fuck Ken don't pull so hard!" She screeched.

"Sorry sorry sorry," Kenny said. "It's just hard to figure this out. But Karen wants to get her hair braided for school and I want to do it for her," Kenny said.

"That's so sweet, if you want I can do it for you until you get good at it," Wendy offered.

Kenny kissed her cheek, "Thank you!"

Stan walked in his room with his laundry. He tripped on Cartman's foot. It landed all over Wendy.

"Shit! Cartman move your fat feet! It took me an hour to fold all that!" Stan yelled.

Cartman rolled his eyes, "It took you an hour to fold that, dumb bitch,"

The two fought as Wendy went through the clothes. She found a black shirt, it was a Green Day shirt. It was one of Wendy's favorite bands. She grabbed the shirt and put it in her bag and folded the rest of the clothes.

So she may have taken the shirt instead of him giving it to her. The point is that the shirt was his and she got it. Even if he was looking for it for two weeks until she spent the night at his house and he realized that she had it. He thought it was sweet.

Wendy went through the last little bit of the box. A hair brush, sunglasses, some lotions and makeup. She was ready to throw the box out when she saw a note

Wendy, I'm sorry that I cheated. I love you but you love Stan. I have to respect that. - Gregory

She couldn't believe what she was reading. It was really weird to see him be so nice. He was always kind of snobby. He was raised with a silver spoon sticking out of his mouth and his parents never said no to him.

"Fuck Gregory, right in the ear," Wendy said as she grabbed her keys.

She needed to leave. Just go anywhere. 


So today is my birthday, I'm now 15 yay! I was gonna do a face reveal and show some art(Kyle cuz today is his bday too) but it wouldn't work. I can't get it on here :'( 

So once I do I will 

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