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Wendy's pov

Soon so very soon, I will have my baby boy here. I have everything set up for him to come home with us. Stan is so happy and I'm glad to see that he has really stepped up to be a dad. I know his dad wasn't always the best dad but I know he can be better.

"Hey honey," Stan walked in, "How ya feelin'? Is today the day?" he asked.

I smiled, "No I don't think so,"

"Ya know we put money down to see when you'd have the kid," Stan said. "So please have the kid in two days and we win about $450!"

I started to laugh, "You bet on this? It's your son in question." I told him.

He grabbed my hands, "And if he is born on Thursday then he will make his dad proud!" he started to laugh too.

"God you are a dork. So who had bet anything?" I questioned.

He took a moment to think, "It was me, Shelly, Kenny, Kevin, Karen, Ike, Kyle, Bebe and Cartman. Everyone bet $50 bucks, so hopefully we get the money. If you have him today all the money goes to Ike."

I smiled, "I hope so too, plus i think it'll be a few more days."

"Want some food?" He asked.

"Sure," He got up and went to make a sandwich, "Stan?"


"What if I don't have the kid when anyone guessed? What happens to the money?" I wondered.

"Well it either goes back to each person or goes to you, haven't decided yet,"

"Hopefully it goes to us,"

He brought me the sandwich and we sat in comfortable silence while I ate.

"I'm so happy that this happened," he rested his head on my stomach, "Hear that little guy? I can't wait to meet you so don't hurt mamma when you come out, M'kay?"

I kissed Stan as he kept talking to our son. We decided to go to bed as we will be needing all the sleep we can get. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't sleep, I'm too excited to meet him, my little boy. Eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up I smelt bacon. I practically jumped out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

Him and Bebe were making food, laughing together. I'm glad they're getting along. The two never really did when we were younger. To be honest before I got pregnant she hated him with all her heart for hurting me.

"Is the food done?" I asked.

"Yeah but not for you," Bebe joked as she passed me a plate.

There was bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and pancakes. When I was fourteen I had a sleepover with Tweek. In the morning we made pancakes and he slobbered his in syrup. Like it was soaked like a sponge and dripped of syrup. He did the same thing to mine and I swear eating straight sugar would have been healthier than those. Besides don't you cut them then put syrup on them? I mean that's how I do it anyway.

"So when will I get to be the cool hot aunt?" Bebe asked.

I wiped my mouth, "I dunno. Soon though."

We ate breakfast with a lot of conversation bouncing from topic to topic. After we ate and cleaned up.

"Wendy?" Bebe called.


"Put some nice clothes on cause we're going somewhere fun!" she yelled.

Oh god, I hope it's not what I think it is.

"Baby shower?" I asked.

"Baby shower!" she cheered.

"Kid if you come out now I will buy you the moon," I whispered.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me outta there as I said bye to Stan. As we drove there Bebe talked about how much effort she put in and that a special someone was gonna be there. I don't even know who the hell she's talking about.

We pulled up to a nice hotel and she helped me out of the car. Bebe had stuff to unpack from the trunk of her car. Clyde helped her get it all out.

"Would you like a ride?" He asked me.

I agreed, sitting on a cart up to the hotel room. I didn't care what was going on but I didn't have to walk :).

We got up to the room and the people there were Heidi, Nichole, Red, Annie, Lola, Butters, and Tweek. I got up and hugged Tweek. He is one of my closest friends. I used to go to him with all my problems. Now you may think well why don't you anymore we only heard of him once this entire time? Well it's because my precious Tweek opened a bakery out west and has been very successful so he hasn't actually seen me in about two years.

"Oh my g-god! It's been too too long! I can't believe you're having a kid!" Tweek said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I know but you've been busy with the bakery. Which I follow your socials and I see y'all are so successful and I'm super happy for you!"

"Okay we're waiting for your parents to get here then we'll open the stuff for your little boy!" Bebe declared.

"Sounds good to m-me!" I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach, "Fuck" I mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Butters asked me.

"I dunno if it was a contraction or the bacon I had earlier." I started to laugh when another sharp pain hit.

"Do you think it's time?" Bebe asked.

"Like I said I really don't know" Then more pain, "Maybe"

"Well this was fun! The moment everything is set up the kid decides to make a grand entrance. Well you tell him when he's old enough that he owes me twenty bucks for the fruit platter," Red sarcastically said, at least I think it was sarcastic. I can't tell.

I passed Butters my phone "Call Stan cause this baby is coming!"

And then we went to the hospital. My first born son will be born soon. I can't be happier.


Two chapters! wow okay I might not post for a while. I'm gonna watch Hunter x Hunter(1999) while I also watch the 2011 one on netflix. help

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